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Craig's POV:

As I'm lying here memories is the only thing that seems to pop in my head. Memories of the good old days and memories of how everything went wrong. I can remember meeting him. It was just a random meeting. It could have happened to anyone and yet it had happened to us.

I was walking down the street walking to the nearest Starbucks to my house. I was on my phone trying to follow the directions Siri was giving me. I didn't see where I was going so of course my dumb ass bumped into someone who was right in front of me. I mean it couldn't have been my fault as he was looking where he was going either.

"Whoa are you okay," he asked as I was in the floor staring up into brown eyes,

"Yeah I'm fine sorry I was looking where I was going," I said getting up from the floor.

"Haha me either sorry about knocking you down over," he said as he checked me for injuries.

"So what were you doing looking down at you phone," he asked as I took out my phone again.

"Looking for Starbucks," I mumbled feeling a little embarrassed about the reason why.

"It's just around the corner," he said making me rub the back of my head.

"Thanks uhh," I said not knowing the man's name.

"Marcel," he said holding out his hand.

"Craig," I said returning the gesture.

After that he offered to buy me Starbucks and who could say no to free Starbucks. We talked and we ended up exchanging our numbers. After that meeting me and him messaged each other nonstop. We so many things in common it was ridiculous. It was three months since our initial meeting where I had developed feelings for him. And I wasn't the only one who had developed feelings for someone either.

"Hey Craig can I ask you something," Marcel said as we were at Starbucks.

"Sure what is it," I said feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Would you like to go out with me Saturday night," he asked and I stared at him in shock.

"Are you asking me out," I said and he nods.

"Yeah if you put it that way," he said and I laughed.

So now seeing him in front of Che Le Bom is making me feel nervous. We're just going out as friends right. There's nothing more to than that.

"Hey Marcel," I called out as I saw him waiting in front of the restaurant.

"Hey Craig come on inside," he said as he opened the door for me.

I walked inside as he followed after me. It was a very nice a classy restaurant. There was a guy at the front and he asked for reservations. Marcel answered under his last name and the man lead us to a table.

"Ooh so fancy," I said as I sat down.

"Well I try," he said as they handed us menus.

The waiter asked what we would like to drink and Marcel asked for a bottle of wine. He then asked if we were ready to order or are we going to wait for the drink.

"Nah well have a big bowl of spaghetti," Marcel asked and he nods his head.

"Uh Craig there was more than a reason why I had asked you here," Marcel said looking nervous.

"Yeah and what's that," I said as they came back with our drinks.

"Will you be my boyfriend," he asked making me blush.

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