Finding Happiness

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Jonathan's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed as I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I smiled at how warm the bed feels even though I had been there for almost a year now. I stretched myself feeling my tail stretch along with me. I rub my head feeling my cat ears that was on my head.

Yes I am a Neko. I mean there's nothing wrong with being. But my life before I met him wasn't the best. I was treated like a slave. My parents who gave birth me disowned me and treated me like a slave. I wasn't living the happy life especially when they found out how many people would pay to have sex with one.....


I woke up in my room, which isn't really my room. It was actually the attic but it's my room nonetheless. I sat patiently on my bed knowing what they would do to me if they didn't see me up or waiting patiently for them. I waited for three hours and I was confused on why they didn't come and get me. But it wasn't long now until I heard the footsteps to my room.

"Morning Jonathan how did you sleep," my so called mother said as she came into the room.

"Good Miss," I said knowing that she hated me calling her mom.

"My son why do you call me that so I'm your mother," she said and I looked at her confused.

"She's right son please give us more respect," my dad said and I nod.

"Good Mom," I said and the words mom was so foreign to me.

I haven't called them that since I was little. Back when I still believed that they were my actual parents and not some cold heartless people.

"That's great I made breakfast so come on," she said and left the room with him.

I slowly got up from my bed and I followed them to the kitchen not really knowing what was waiting for me at that moment. But to my surprise, she wasn't lying and had breakfast made and on the table. They quickly sit in their seats and I heard my older brother Tyler come down stairs. He looks at me and then at our parents who were siting at our table.

"What's Jonathan dong here," he asked knowing how our parents treated me.

"Tyler don't be rude, Jonathan is joining us for breakfast," Our mom said and Tyler raised his eyebrow.

"Sit next to Tyler son and enjoy," our dad said and I slowly sat next to Tyler.

Tyler looked at me probably asking what was going on and I just shrugged my shoulders. Tyler is 4 years older than me as he's 21 and I'm 17. Well I just turned 17 a week ago. He's already finishing up his last year of college before he moves out to his own place. Tyler always watched out for me but could never stop our parents from hurting me. They actually praised him for being normal.

"Thanks mom for the lovely breakfast," I said for once feeling full.

"No problem my sweetie now come on we have to go to out," our mom said picking up the plates from the table.

"Where are we going," I asked as Tyler shrugged.

"We're getting you some new clothes my boy anything you want," our dad said and I felt uncomfortable.

"Why are you doing this," I asked and they laughed.

"Your so silly Jonathan," she said as she washed the dishes.

"Now go get ready were leaving in ten minutes," he said as he sat on the couch and started to watch tv.

"What was that all about," Tyler asked once we started to head up the stairs.

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