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Jealous ~ by Labrinth

~Play Song Here~

Jonathan was sitting on top of a green grassy hill. He was up looking at the sky watching as the clouds were slowly moving by. He looked over to stare at Evan. He could picture him looking up as well. Staring at the same cloudy blue sky, letting the wind blow through his hair. Jonathan then looked back up. Feeling a drop of water hit his face he said;

"I'm jealous of the rain."

"That falls upon your skin," he continued to tell Evan.

"It's closer than my hands have been," he said as another dropped of water hit his face.

"I'm jealous of the rain," he said softly.

"I'm jealous of the wind," he said as the wind blew softly.

"That ripples through your clothes," he said as he lifted his arms.

"It's closer than your shadow," he said touching his shadow.

"Oh, I'm jealous of the wind," he said and then laid back down.

He stared up at the clouds that slowly start to change to a grey color. He could feel slight drops of water fall on him as he continued to lay on top of the grassy hill with Evan. Evan was quiet as he listened through to what Jonathan was saying. He wasn't really able to speak back to him.

Jonathan didn't really know how long he was laying there. He watched as the clouds went from turning grey to having a light orange color to them. He sighed knowing it's going to get dark soon, but he couldn't help but say to Evan;

"I'm jealous of the nights."

"That I don't spend with you," Jonathan continued knowing they would have to go their separate ways.

"I'm wondering who you lay next to," he said as he looked over passed Evan.

"Oh, I'm jealous of the nights," he lastly said as the clouds went from orange to red.

"I'm jealous of the love," Jonathan said loudly catching some people's attention.

"Love that was in here," he said pointing towards Evan's heart.

"Gone for someone else to share," he said looking away from Evan.

"Oh, I'm jealous of the love," Jonathan said sitting up and scrunching up grass in his hands.

Jonathan took a deep breath and let it out. Bystanders were wondering if they should help him but they decided to let him be. Looking around he saw that people were leaving him and he was glad. He didn't want anyone to ruin the time he was spending with Evan. He wanted to grab Evan's hand instead of the grass but he knew he couldn't.

He looked back up at the sky and saw the clouds had went from red to pink. He knew the sun was setting behind him but that didn't matter. As long as he was spending the time with Evan it wouldn't have mattered.

"As I sink in the sand," Jonathan said talking about his depression.

"Watch you slip through my hands," he said talking about when they had broken up.

"Oh, as I die here another day," Jonathan said collapsing next to Evan.

"Cause all I do is cry behind this smile," he said smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"I wished you the best of all this world could give," Jonathan said as he started to shake.

"And I told you when you left me," Jonathan said looking back.

"There's nothing to forgive," he said as he let out a sob.

"But I always thought you'd come back, tell me," Jonathan said wanting to touch Evan.

"All you found was heartbreak and misery," he continued to say as his hand collapsed to the ground.

"It's hard for me to say," Jonathan said loudly.

"I'm jealous of the way," he continued to yell.

"You're happy without me," he said loudly catching the eye of a person.

"It's hard for me to say," Jonathan whispered as he looked back at Evan.

"I'm jealous of the way," he continued to whisper.

"You're happy without me," Jonathan finally whispered before succumbing to his sorrows.

"Hey sir," a person said and Jonathan looked up to see a security guard.

"The cemetery is closing you have to leave," the guard said and Jonathan stared back down at Evan.

"I'll be back tomorrow Evan I promise," Jonathan said to Evan's grave.

He got up and pulled out a small teddy bear. Placing it next to the flowers he had brought him earlier; he kissed the tombstone goodbye and the guard escorted him off the premises. A ghostly figured soon appeared on top of the hill and in the sounds of the wind a phrase could be heard;

"I'm sorry."

I was like when I thought of this.... "I feel like writing another sad shot" if anyone of you had a clue that Evan was dead from the start kudos to you. I made sure to put in picture in case any of you were paying attention ;).  Thank you for the support new oneshot book will be published after this reaches 116 parts

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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