Mama Delirious

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Request: Poly!BBS Mama Delirious by Magican_Bunneh

Evan x Jonathan x Luke x Marcel x Tyler x Lui x Craig x David x Brian x Brock

If there was one thing you knew about Delirious was; it's that he takes care of his lovers like a mother/lover. If it isn't clear for you then just think of a very protective lover with the qualities of a mother. Jonathan's lover knew about this and always took it for advantage.

"Mama Jon can I have gummy bears," Lui squeaked to him when they were both cuddling on the couch.

"Sure my little monkey but don't eat too much alright," Jonathan said pulling out his secret stash of bears he always kept on himself.

"Thanks Mama Jon I wuv you," Lui continued to squeak and Jonathan planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Later guys I'm going out," Tyler yelled out.

"And where are you going," Jonathan quickly asked him.

"Just to get some drinks," Tyler said and Jonathan shook his head.

"No it's the weekday you are not going out to get fucking drunk at a bar," Jonathan said quickly pulling him inside.

"Alright Mama Jon," Tyler said planting a kiss on Jonathan's lips.

"MAMA JOOOOOOOON," Craig yelled out.

"What is it," Jonathan said in panic when he came rushing towards the yelling.

"I got a boo boo will you kiss it and make it feel better," Craig said showing out his finger with a hello kitty bandage on it.

"Don't worry Craig it'll get better soon," Jonathan cooed out but kissing the bandaged finger anyways.

*cough* *cough*

"Mama Joooon," David's tired voice called out and Jonathan came into his room with a tray.

"Don't worry David I'm here to make everything better," Jonathan said as he placed the tray in front of him.

"Thanks Mama Jon," David said taking a sip of his soup.

"Anything for one of my Irish slugs," Jonathan said placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Do you recommend this shirt or this one," Luke said holding two shirts in front of Jonathan.

"They're both ugly as shit," Jonathan answered truthfully making Luke chuckle.

"Thanks Mama Jon; Than what do you expect me to wear," Luke said and Jonathan got up from the bed.

"This," He said and tossed a grey shirt to him.

"Thanks again Mama Jon," Luke said giving him a small peck on his lips.

"I swear to go Evan if you fucking steal another cookie from that tray you won't get any when I give them out," Jonathan said as Evan was sneaking up to steal another one of his delicious cookies.

"Whaaaaaa I would never do that," Evan said and Jonathan put his hands on his hips.

"I'm warning you Evan," Jonathan said turning away.

"Alright Mama Jon."


"Alright I'm going Im going," Evan said leaving the kitchen when Jonathan smacked his hand for trying to take another cookie.

"Mama Jon can you read me a story," Brock said when Jonathan went to kiss him goodnight.

"Alright what story would you like to hear," Jonathan said walking to the book case that Brock had in his room.

"The same one you were reading from," Brock said and Jonathan chuckled.

"Alright where were we," Jonathan said grabbing the book.

"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan," Marcel called out.

When he heard no response he called again.


When he didn't get a response then he smirked and said.

"Mama Jon."

"What is it MarMar," Jonathan replied making him laugh.

"Nothing I just wanted to say I love you," Marcel said.

"I love you too MarMar," Jonathan said and went back to cleaning the living room.

"I can't believe they said that Craig was an Irish youtuber," Brian said crying into Jonathan when he pulled him in for a hug.

"I know baby I know," Jonathan said rubbing his back.

"He's not even fucking Irish," Brian exclaimed and Jonathan just kept running his back.

"I know baby I know to tell you you're one of my favorite Irish youtuber," Jonathan said.

"Really Mama Jon," Brian said and Jonathan kissed away his tears.

"Of course my Irish man," Jonathan said making Brian blush.

So when they realized that Jonathan was the last person to wake up, they all decided to check up on him. They knocked on the door and when they heard a quiet come in all nine lovers entered the room. The room felt stuffy and they saw that Jonathan looked pale.

"Jonathan are you sick," Luke asked him and Jonathan nod his head feeling to tired to even talk.

"Don't worry as your faithful lovers we'll pamper you like how you pamper us," Craig said and they all nod their head.

"Aww thanks guys," Jonathan said softly.

"I'll get the soup."

"I'll get a wet towel."

"I'll get out the movies."

"I'll get pillows."

Was what they said when they left to make Jonathan feel healthier. They spent pampering him the whole day, so when Jonathan awoke the next day.

"You guys are all fucking stupid," Jonathan said when he put a blanket over Tyler.

"Yeah stupid for you," Brian said with an ice bag on his head.

Jonathan just smiled and laugh, glad to know that his lovers would get sick for him just to make him feel better. Now time to make their lives suffer for getting sick.

Well something small but I hope you like it 😄😄

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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