Write My Life

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Write My Life

I was tagged by the lovely BitchImHoodini

This is just like DrawMyLife but it's WriteMyLife. Want to know a deeper understanding of me them go on ahead an read

I was born October 4th 1997, somewhere in Southern California. I was the last person to be born in my family. I don't remember my childhood at all but the stories that my family tells me. Something that I don't let my sister live down was that she hated me when we were younger.

A story that always get passed around was that she had tried to kill me several time. One time she tried pushing me out on a busy oncoming street. Of course I lived because I wouldn't be writing this XD. After two years of her getting to know me, she eventually learned to love me. Something that always stuck by me as a child was that I love water.

When I was three, my family would go to the river and I would love to play in the water. A story that gets talked about was that my dad was taking care of me one time and he had lost me. Everyone was looking for me and that's when they spotted me with my head just sticking out of the water. Another time was that there's this duck pond at a park and I ran towards it.

My dad came chasing after me but I had already fell in. That duck pond is very deep  let me tell you so my dad had to jump in right after me. I was such a troublesome child. I have a few scars that you'll see if you ever meet me in the future. The two most noticeable is the one on my eyebrow and my left index finger.

The one on my eyebrow I got was when I was four. I was jumping on the bed because it's the funnest thing to do. I then jumped too hard and I fell off the bed. I landed on the railing part of the bed head first as you can tell. It split open my eyebrow and I can say it hurt like a bitch. I was then taken to the hospital and got stitches. Now my eyebrow has like a patch of missing hair.

 Now my eyebrow has like a patch of missing hair

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(Just look at this railing lol. Sorry if you can't see the picture lol)

Now my finger, I got a cut and I somehow made it worse and another trip to the hospital I was heading towards. And now I like to call it the infected because it's different from the rest. Now if you look at the palm of my left hand there's this spiderish scar and let me tell you I was a very clumsy girl. I was walking with a glass cup and I slipped which it broke on my hand and I got a glass stuck in my hand.

You can tell what happened next. I guess after that my life has been pretty normal. I went to a preschool. And then my school time was very rocky. I went to four different elementary school. It was 4th grade when my family decided that we should move to a new state. It was the state of Utah.

So we moved to a city north of Salt Lake City called North Salt Lake City. Yeah I finished fourth grade and fifth grade. Then halfway through sixth grade we decided to move back to Southern California. I never graduated from Elementary technically but that doesn't matter. I started middle school and for once I never switch schools.

I don't think my problems didn't start until I reached Highschool. It was my senior year of Highschool when I got hit with the worst news of my life. I was told my best friend Jinxx was pronounced dead. I was heart broken and I couldn't live with myself for two days after that. I refused to eat and just wanted to cry every second.

It took a month before everything started to get back on track. I finally realized my feelings for my friend and I got the guts to tell her I loved her. I knew she had a girlfriend at the time but she always tells me that she's unhappy with her. I slowly got her to open up and that's when she accepted my feelings in return.

I was happy, I was free. It felt so good but like I've heard once before in the movie Deadpool lol. Life is an endless series of train-wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness. And my commercial break had ended. A couple days after we went out. She decided that she wanted to take a break because she felt she wasn't ready to be in a relationship.

I agreed to it and I kept in my heart that she would be mine again. It wasn't until a week later when she spoke to me again. I thought it was all okay until she told me the worst thing I could ever hear. She got back with her ex. Now you might be thinking that it was because of jealousy but her ex called her names, put her down, and made her cry.

I pretended that it was alright but I couldn't help but let the tears fall down my cheeks. What sucked was that it was my Prom Night. But I didn't mourn over it too long because it was the night of my life. That day I finally told my closest irl friend that I was Bi and she accepted me. I then tried not to let my heart break take my life but I couldn't do it and it was always on my mind.

But I wouldn't have met lazylogs if that didn't happen. She helped me so much that I couldn't ever figure out a way to repay her. I then graduated from Highschool with High Honors. I knew that there was something wrong with because every now and then I would feel shitty about myself.

But I kept my head high. I got accepted to the college that I wanted and it was going to be amazing. It was until August 22, 2015 when I had my heart broken by the one person who I could trust. My older sister. I couldn't live with myself that I made her mad at me. I.... I tried to kill myself by overdosing on pills.

I sent her my last message and she did something about it. She took me to the hospital where they told me that I had to go to a different hospital to see if I had a mental illness. I arrived at the hospital around 3 am in the morning. I was told in the morning that I wasn't allowed outside the building until I talked to a doctor. It was interesting to say the least. I met some interesting people.

It was soon visiting hours and my mom, dad, and sister came by. Once I saw my sister I couldn't help but let tears fall from my eyes. Even though she's given me so much pain she's the only person that I could trust. It was a short lived two hours and I had to say goodbye to my family. It wasn't until late at night the doctor finally came and I talked to him. I then spent another half day at the facility when they told me I could go home.

They told my dad that I had Major Depression and I should see a therapist. I decided that it wasn't necessary. I dropped out of my dream college because I couldn't handle it. I then stayed home and hanged with my online friends. I finally found another love which was my closest friend. I asked him out the day before my birthday. I started to feel like my world was turning around.

Soon a year since I found out Jinxx's death I mourned once again. A month late I had broke up with my boyfriend because he didn't know how. We ended it off on good terms. We decided that we both had different ideas about our future and find someone who would complete it. He then became my best bro again Aeneolus.

I don't have any hard feelings about it. I got over it and my life started to be normal once again. Then the end of April Jinxx came back and my life flipped upside down again. I lost another friendship but I got someone back. Ups and downs was the last couple of years of my life. But now I'm finally going to college and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

I'm writing this now and I'm glad that I could tell you about my life. I don't wanna tag anyone because it might be to personal for you to do but if you want to do it be my guest I won't stop you

So with lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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