Red Strings Attached

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Red Strings Attached

A red string.... It signifies that the end of your string is the one who you are destined to be with. Some people are lucky to have a red string; while some others are not. You don't get your red string until you are 18; that's when you are old enough to actually date.

Jonathan's 18th birthday was tomorrow. He was the youngest of his friends to turn 18 and they said they all had strings that attatched them to someone. Jonathan sits down with his friends as they all had went out to eat late at night.

"Are you excited to find out if you get a red string or not," Evan said to Jonathan and he nods his head.

"Excited and nervous, so tell me how was your experiences when you got your red string," Jonathan asked.

"In the middle of the night. I felt like a part of myself was taken away and I could only get it back finding where my string had attached to," David said speaking his mind out.

Everyone had agreed with David which made Jonathan a bit worried. Would he really lose a part of himself and wouldn't get it back until he finds his soulmate.

"Don't worry Jonathan and even if you don't get a red string we won't hate you for it," Evan said softly rubbing Jonathan's arm in comfort.

"Thanks guys you're the best," Jonathan said smiling.

"We should take you home. Your parents must be worried," Craig said and Jonathan smiles.

"Yeah that's fine," Jonathan said and they all got up and paid for their meal.

"Cheer up JonJon, don't be such a worry wart," Marcel said using a nickname that he gave Jon when they were little.

"MarMar, I'm scared," Jonathan said and Marcel pulled him in for a hug.

"Don't be Jon, we are here for you," Tyler said.

"You'll be fine and when you get your strings you'll be giving me gummy worms," Lui said and then Brock elbowed him on the arm.

Jonathan wondered why Brock had elbowed him but he just shook it off as playful banter. Lui glared at Brock and started to rant at how much it hurt. Everyone chuckles at how childish Lui was being, even though he was one of the oldest in the group.

"Well here's my stop I wish you luck Jonathan," Brian said as they reached his house.

"Hey you don't mind if I stay over," Tyler asked and he shook his head yes.

"Later motherfuckers," Tyler said going off with Brian.

Everyone left there own way until it was just Luke, Marcel, and Jonathan. They lived the closest to Jonathan but just a little farther down the road. They reached Jonathan's house and Jonathan didn't want them to go.

"Please MarMar, Big Bear, stay with me," Jonathan whimpered out.

"I'm sorry Little Bear, but this is something you have to experience yourself," Luke said smiling at how adorable Jonathan was being.

"Goodnight JonJon," Marcel said and soon he and Luke had left Jonathan.

Jonathan walked inside his house and he saw his parents weren't in the livingroom. Sulking up to his room, he sat down on his bed and stared at the clock. Time went by fast as he saw that it was just a minute left until he would find out if he had gotten red strings. Jonathan knew he should have fallen asleep, but curiosity getting the best of him kept him awake the night.

He watched he clock go from 11:59 to 12:00 and he felt something from his chest. He watched in amazement as a red string slightly sprung out of his chest. He watched as it went out of his room and he could only stare at the red string that was left behind connect to his chest. Smiling that he got a red string, he was about to go to sleep when he felt something.

Looking down to his chest, his eyes widening as another string that was slowly coming out of his chest. Soon, another had sprouted confusing Jonathan. He never had heard about a person getting more than one string. He just watched as several more strings sprouted out. When nothing happened after a couple of minutes he decided to count how many strings he had.

"9 what the fuck," Jonathan exclaimed touching one of them carefully.

He didn't know what to do, or even how to tell his friends. Jonathan thought this was just a dream and that if he closed his eyes that it would be back to one string. Closing his eyes, Jonathan didn't realize that he had slept through the night because when he opened them it was morning. Jonathan looked down at his chest and he still saw all 9 strings.

"Good morning son did a string grow," Jonathan's dad asked as he came down stairs.

"Yeah you could say that," Jonathan said and his mother smiled.

"That's great hopefully your end is somewhere nearby," his mom said and Jonathan nodded.

There was a knock on the door and Jonathan's dad went to open it. Outside stood Marcel and Luke.

"Hey Mr. Denis can we steal Jonathan for the day," Marcel said and Jonathan looked past his parents.

Jonathan's eyes widen as he saw a red string connect to Marcel and Luke.

"Yeah sure Jonathan your friends are here," his dad said and Jonathan walked to them.

"Waaah," was the only thing Jonathan said as Luke winked at him.

"We'll explain everything JonJon alright," Marcel said pulling Jonathan along.

Jonathan just walked quietly behind Luke and Marcel as they talked about the birthday plans they had for him. When they arrived where the rest of their friends were his eyes widen as they had a red string as well.

"I'm so confused," Jonathan said.

"So was I when it happened to me but I accepted it because I love you all equally," David said as he was the first to experience it.

"We were also slightly hoping that you didn't figure out that Lui said strings instead of string," Brock said and Lui smiles sheepishly.

"So Jonathan will you do the honor and being in a poly relationship with us," Evan asked making Jonathan blush.

"It'll be something to get used to but yes," Jonathan said honestly and he was pulled into a group hug with kisses coming from all directions.

And Jonathan knew that it wouldn't be so hard to get used to it.

Well it's something lol Azzie_Arts wanted a soulmate AU and I couldn't figure out for the life of me about what I had wanted. At first it was going to be sad and then I remembered that how a red string is attached to you and who you are destined to be with.

Then i took things further and thought how would someone react if they had more than one and this came about lol

FLUFF all around btw it autocorrects to that XD

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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