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Spanking is a type of corporal punishment involving the act of striking the buttocks of another person to cause physical pain, generally with an open hand (more commonly referred to in some countries as slapping or smacking). More severe forms of spanking, such as switching, paddling, belting, caning, whipping, and birching, involve the use of an implement instead of a hand.


Jonathan knew what was about to come next. His mother or father yelling his name in anger always meant that he was going to get a spanking. Putting fear into Jonathan's young eyes; the five year old scurried across the floor to his closet in order to escape the wrath of his parents anger.

Parents commonly spank children or adolescents in response to undesired behavior.

"Alright were the fuck is that little bastard," his drunk father said as he stumbled into the room with an equally drunk mother.

"Probably hiding so we don't have to look at the sorry excuse that he is," his mother snarled making Jonathan quiver even more.

Jonathan stood still as he kept hearing his parents stumble across the room. Trying to hide himself more in the darkness, he didn't realize that he had knocked over his baseball bats making a loud noise. He prayed in hope that his parents were too drunk to even hear the small bats falling over, but his hope was diminished when light entered his dark hideout.

"Come out here you little fucker," his dad said pulling him out by the hair.

Jonathan yelped out in pain but his father covered his mouth so not another sound was heard. Jonathan could hear his mother scuffle around his room; probably trying to grab something so they could hit him with. Whispering something to his father; Jonathan could only tense to what could come.


The main reasons parents give for spanking children are to make children more compliant, and to promote better behavior, especially to put a stop to children's aggressive behaviors.

Jonathan cried out in pain through his father's hand as he felt immense pain. Jonathan managed to turn his head to get a good look at what he was being spanked with. His eyes widening and the small wooden bat in his father's hand.

"This is what you get for breaking a glass cup," his father said striking again with full force.


Although parents and other advocates of spanking often say that it is necessary to promote child discipline, studies have shown that parents tend to apply physical punishment inconsistently, spanking more often when angry or under stress.

What felt like an eternity to Jonathan, but was only ten minutes, he was finally in his mother arms as she was whispering sweet comforts in his ear.

"We only do this because we love you Jonny Bear. We know what's best for you," his mother whispered as Jonathan's cries were becoming quieter.

"Now go to sleep my bear," his mother said continuing to rock him back and forth lulling him into a desperate needed rest.

Children who were spanked were, for example, more likely to be aggressive, to display antisocial behavior, to have more mental health problems and to have more negative relationships with their parents. They were also more likely to have low self-esteem and to have lower cognitive abilities.

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