Dog Tags 2

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Dog Tags 2

Jonathan's POV:

I look at the dog tags around my neck and I cried my heart out. The man who I should have convinced to stay home had died. Well to be honest he would have still gone out there and try to help. I hold the dog tags in my hand and I see his name that I carved into them.

I look back out the window to see the smoke slowly go away and to show back the bright blue sky that was there. Evan Fong, the love of my life, who was a hero to many. You will always be remembered. I love you.

~15 Years Later~

I walked out of my apartment at 8 and I locked the door behind me. It's been 15 years since I lost Evan and there hasn't been a day that has gone by that I miss him. I gripped the dog tags in my hand. I've kept good care of them because it's all that I have left of him.

I walked down the stairs that was in my apartment building and I step outside in the cold fresh air of New York City. I wrapped my blue jacket around me as I look around the busy streets. I head north to the destination I had in mind today. The noise outside was normal for the city and I smile at how lively it could be.

I walked past a shop that sold televisions and I noticed there were all on the same channel. I looked at the tv and I could see that there was a whole rally gathering up at Ground Zero. I continued walking until I found the shop I was looking for. I walked inside and I took a deep breathe. I smiled as the sweet smell of flowers was surrounding the area.

"Jonathan it's good to see you again," the flower shop owner said as I smiled at her.

"It's good to see you too Clarie," I said and she pulled out a bouquet of roses.

"These just came in this morning I've kept them just for you," she said as she handed them to me.

"Thanks again how much do I owe you," I said pulling out my wallet.

"This one is for free. You know every five years I let you have a bouquet for free," she says and I smile.

"Thank you again Clarie," I said grabbing the bouquet.

"It was nice seeing you too Jonathan," she says and I left the store.

I checked the time and I saw that it was 8:30. I headed towards the direction of Ground Zero where I was invited to hear Obama's speech about what happened that day. I reached the area and I could see many firefighters and officers dress really nicely. I took of my coat to show my white dress shirt.

"Jonathan it's good to see you again," The General said as he came up to me.

"It's good to see you too General," I said and he smiles.

"Come sit," he said motioning towards his platoon.

I sat down next to them and they started to talk about the firefighters they lost that day. I saw some rookies who was staring in wonder at the stories they heard.

"Evan Fong was one of the greatest," The General said and I held back the tears that we're going to show.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are glad to announce the President of the United States Barack Obama," the Secretary of State said.

"Good morning. Scripture tells us, "Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you...write them on the tablet of your heart."," he said talking to everyone.

"Secretary Carter, Chairman Dunford, outstanding members of our Armed Forces, and most of all, survivors of that September day and the families of those we lost — it is a great honor, once again, to be with you on this day, a day that I know is still difficult, but which reveals the love and faithfulness in your hearts and in the heart of our nation," he said and I closed my eyes.

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