Happy Thanksgiving

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2016 wow this year has been fucking insane.

Like seriously I thought last year was bad but this takes the cake.

But whatever

Happy Thanksgiving 💛💛💛

I had ham and turkey with mash potatoes. Yuuummmm

But that's not the only thing I wanted to say.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me to name a few

lazylogs : For being there for me whenever my life took a turn for the worst and you know that was a lot
ishaboi_blue : you are truly an amazing person and care about me
Magican_Bunneh : ma fellow queen you are amazing
Puerto_Ricochet : I've known you since the first time I came on Wattpad. You are awesome
thepandaispurple : kind of see you as my mom even though I'm probably older
BitchImHoodini :like a younger sister you are awesome
MissKombat : you're a truuuuuue friend you're here til the end
Azzie_Arts : you are awesome
Aeneolus : BRUUUUUUUUH Love you bro
Clawdeenh1gh : we haven't talked in a while but you're still considered a friend
ddosed : you are amazing
DiddlePie : thank you for cheering me up.
FoxArt3124 : you're awesome
Celeswind : you're awesome for cheering me up
Falynx : love you my child
Loup_Toxique : we need to continue our collab but love you sissy
@Everyone: <333333

Thank you all and if I missed anyone let me know because you'll get a personal message from me saying how thankful I am

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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