Explanation of my OTP

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Wassup guys just something that I've wanted to do for a long time. Almost.... ALMOST Everything I've written is H2OVanoss. H2OFREAKINGVanoss

That's cool and all but honestly that is not my OTP. Le gasp I know but I'm here to explain you who my OTP is and WHY they're my OTP. I know in some things I say that H2oVanoss is my OTP but it's one of my many that I have. But my original OTP will have to be and always will be.......


Now let me explain why. The first Youtuber I've ever LIKE EVER watch was Chilled. He was funny, adorable, diabolical, and so many other things. I know most people ship him with Ze. I know he's acknowledge the ship of ZeRoyalChaos but my heart will forever and always be set on Seachaos.

With a subscriber count of 1.2 million. He still makes many people out there smile with joy. At first I thought Adam was being a jerk for toying with Chilled. But the more I saw their videos, the closer that each friendship got. Now how I got into Seachoas was a mystery to me.

I think my first ever Seachaos book was FawkesPryde Just like me, before they deleted it and refixed it. It was one of the best stories, and first stories. I've ever read on Wattpad. She has such excellent writing that I could never compare myself too. And then I've read other seachaos books but some just slip my mind.

My first ever book on Wattpad was Seachaos. I loved the whole TTT Au from Just Like Me that I wanted to make my own version of it. So Protection I Need was born. After that I wrote with the flow of whatever I write. Along the way I've made some friends who were writing Seachaos.

I met ShadowDragonRider, SeaChaosLover, KalyaniAruna, and like so many other people but these were the most that I remember. I really got into Seachaos that I was disappointed that no other writer were continue on writing it. It was like that for a while so I had to busy myself with the Seachaos books that I already have.

But hen this writer came out of no where. Like one day I searched up Seachaos and bam I saw one that was called Diabolical by SorySay. It was new it was fresh and I decided that I wanted to read it. And holy shit was I not disappointed. They have amazing writing skills that I can't even explain myself.

She writes in debt about what each person is thinking about. She put so much detail into each chapter that I only dream i wish I could do. She only focuses the POV on the pairing and not anything else. If the book is Seachaos it is about Seachaos. When she followed me back I was so fucking excited because, she's like an idol to me.

Truly even her other books have the same amount of thought and debt in each one that when you read it you wish you could know what's happening with the other people in the story. I honestly say you should go check her out you won't be disappointed.

Now I've talked about what people have written and I need to give examples myself on why they would be perfect

Seriously you could not make it more obvious in this video. Like common. There are so many other videos that shows their love for each other that it's fucking insane. I know they're both in a relationship and I accept that. They are both adorable and I'm glad they have them. But one can only dream about their OTP being together. Hahaha

Some that I recommend you reading are:
Just Like Me
I think I love you
Crime in Alcatraz
Gamers Squad
Love is a journey
Main Attraction
My Plushie
Beautiful Things

And so many more in my Seachaos love Reading list

Thank you for whoever made it this far. I like to know there are some people who will actually read this and say their own two cents about what they think. I'm not saying to change  your OTP but I'd like your own opinion about this pairing

With lots of love 💛


Brofish 👊🐟

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