
"That's so sweet!" Ally said while leaning her head on her hands.

I told her about the things Conner and I did. She was way beyond flabbergasted.

We were eating lunch, and in between a few bites of my burger, I spoke.

"He je-even gia-ve mees rasas,"

"What?!" Ally shouts. She wanted to know every little teeny weenie detail.

I swallow making a galloping sound. I sure was hungry. I think I was more nervous though.

The whole weekend, I couldn't help but think about what The Mysterious C said. He said 'I will prove my love' to me.

What he was going to do stressed me out more than anything.

"He even gave me roses," I chuckle. She laughs and says, " That sounded nothing like what you said the previous time."

I take another bite just to shut myself up. I didn't feel like talking.

"Hey ang," I hear a raspy voice next to me. I start choking on the bite I was chewing.

"You okay?" Conner says, sliding in next to me. I nod and he gives me a side hug.

"You two love birds," Ally says with a smiling expression.

"Well, actually-" I say while Conner said something.

We both look at each other and stopped talking. That was awkward.

The rest of the lunch was quite still. Nobody actually spoke, which startled me. Ally kept trying to keep us company just to fix everything.

I saw Candice and Georgia, the two blondes who were know for their 'destroying lives' reputations, kept looking at us.

Jealous much.

I knew I shouldn't get on their wrong sides. They would find something to blackmail you with, they would destroy you without thinking twice. With the looks they were giving me, I wasn't looking forward to what lay ahead.

The last bell rang for class. It was our last lesson of the day.

I on the other hand, had too much milkshake to drink.

I cursed myself for being so stupid and made my way, squeezingly to the bathroom.

Once I closed the door of the toilet I was in, I unzipped my pants.

Just before I could sit, I heard a girl crying.

I furrow my brows. It sounded like Candice.

She comes inside of the bathroom, furiously.

"It's going to be okay," I heard a second voice, which I assumed was Casey.

These girls were part of the cheerleading squad. And would probably be part in ruining my life if the find out I'm in here.

I zip my pants, still burning inside for waiting so long. Just another minute.

I stand on the toilet so that they won't notice my sneakers.

"He dumped me on valentines Casey!" I heard Candice yelling at her.

"Let him go Candice," she says.

"He left me for that whore."

My throat got a lump. Is this what they think of me?

Suddenly, I slip. Great!

I hit my head against the side of the door and fell on the toilet seat.

I heard them silently whisper. Then it was followed by clicking heels.

They were out of the bathroom.

Thank goodness I thought.

I then made my way to the class, if I wasn't already late.

Stupid bladder.

I walk past the bunch of lockers in the hallway. I was seriously speed walking.

Record time, I thought keeping myself motivated.

But a walking shadow caught my attention.There was something strange on the other side of the hallway, just next to my locker.

I keep walking towards it.

It looked like a bunch of balloons.

Somebody just put them there.

As I reach my locker, it isn't the normal blue colour we usually have, but it was decorated with red.

Red writing was all over it, and the balloons were attached to my lock.

On the locker stood,

"All you need is love. Love from the right person."

I turn around in the direction the shadow went. That person did this.

If I catch this person, I get to know who The Mysterious C is.

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