The After Math.

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Chapter //33//

We exited off the plane and I turned my phone on seeing a lot of missed calls. None of them was from George. Just Alicia and my dad. Which wasn't surprising. I felt tears forming in my eyes. He just didn't get it which I find so crazy. I parted ways from MJ and Dricka, I needed to do this on my own. It was a while before I pulled up at the house, but when I did I was already nervous. I'm more angry than anything.

I walked in the house and Sophia was in the kitchen smiling. Not even knowing I walked in. I immediately dropped my shit and charged at her. I sent a blow to her face causing her to stumble. I gripped her hair dragging her down to the floor and she started screaming. I sent blows to her face repeatedly. I'm heated man. I thought I could be the bigger person and not beat her ass.  I guess my emotions had other plans. I wanted this bitch gone off the face of the earth.

"What the hell?",George came running down the stairs.

"I hate you!",I let Sophia hair go smacking George. "You couldn't wait until I left so you could fuck this bitch"I started screaming and right after tears started falling. I quickly wiped my face, not wanting to cry in front of them.

I was trying to keep my emotions together. How could I though? It was all fresh and I'm not gone lie like I'm hurting. I let this happen for the second time. This hurt more than anything I could ever imagine. I promise you that.

"Kay I didn't touch her!",He sat in my face lying.

"Don't fucking lie in my face",I shoved him. Punching him.

I pulled my phone from my pocket showing him a little snippet of the video. His face dropped and I threw the phone upside his head. He kneeled down clenching in pain.

"You a dirty bitch",I stomped Sophia head to the ground.

"I'm so sorry",She cried out and that shit pissed me off even more.

"Fuck you bitch. You and that bitch ass nigga",I spit on her.

I acted completely out of character. Everything I did. I never even thought I had it in me. Just like I thought he wouldn't hurt me again but we can't get what we want. I headed for the door and he grabbed me by my waist.

"Let me go",I retorted." I can't believe you"

"Kay you gotta believe me baby. I didn't do shit",He tried to get me to look at him but I couldn't.

"I'm done",I slipped my ring off tossing it. He let me go and stood there with a stupid ass look on his face as I walked out.

This was done bullshit. I wasted all my time on this mutha fucka. For him to do me like this. I got in my car heading to the nearest bar. I needed a drink or two. I was crying so much I didn't see the car and it hit me head on. My car flipped a couple times before everything went completely blank.

Kevin POV (Aka Kay's dad)

  I grabbed Aiko who was running around wild. These kids are a handful but you have to love them though. Alicia started screaming shutting the whole house up. I sat Aiko down running up stairs nervously.

"What's wrong?",I stood in the door way.

"We have to go now. Get the kids together",She panicked slipping on her shoes.

"What happened?",I tried calming her down. she was starting to make me nervous with this kind of behavior.

"It's Kay, her and George got into an argument. She left the house and got into a bad car accident Kevin ",tears started streaming down her face.

"What happened to my mom?",Aiko stood in the doorway crying.

"She's okay. Let's go",I picked Aiko up taking her downstairs.

 I just want to know what happened that was so bad. Especially if she came home from her trip early. I'm just going to leave it to God and not put negativity off in the air.  With that being said we got the kids together and headed to the hospital. I really don't want them to see her like this. So good thing Dricka and MJ are here.

We were all sitting in the waiting room. Including George. He didn't speak. He didn't even want to hold Aiko when she went to him. The doctor came out the room with a smile on her face. So that meant good news.

"She is doing fine. With an accident like that it's a miracle. A few bruises and sprang neck. She's up and all her test checked out okay",The doctor read off her notepad and I sighed in relief.


I laid in the bed staring at the ceiling when I heard a knock. I couldn't turn my neck because of this damn neck brace. I'm glad that I made it out with only minor issues. That was something greater than us. It wasn't no way I should've made it out alive.

"Mommy",I knew Aiko's voice anywhere.

"Hey baby",My voice was a little raspy due to my dry throat.

 Aiko sat there examining my scars not saying anything. She never seen me like this so her actions are understandable. Soon after Mason hovered over me with Aiden. A smile stretched across his face but I couldn't even smile. I knew once me and George went on a break it was going to effect him. As well as the girls but him more than anyone. He knew exactly what was going on. I was ripping his family apart.

"I'm glad you're okay Ma",He leaned down kissing my forehead.

My dad stepped in with Estuko and she was pouting. I knew at least one of them would react this way. She started crying which was expected from her. She's more emotional than them. Plus I'm not in the best situation right now.

"I'm glad you're okay. I thought I was going to have to go on a rampage",My dad kiss my forehead and I laughed.

"Mom are those going to be on you forever",Aiko touched my bruises.

"No they're not",I giggled. It honestly felt good to laugh. My family is the real light in this situation. 

"Alright. They're keeping you over night. So I'm going to get the kids home. They have school in the morning",My dad gathered them all up.

" mommy get better",Aiko kissed my cheek leaving out the room. My dad leaned Estuko over to me and I gave her a kiss before they left. The room grew silent for a second. Then I heard MJ loud ass and Dricka laughing up the hallway. Before they could even make it to the room I could hear them.

"Looks like you're not the only one to make a visit to the hospital",MJ hovered over me.

"What you mean?",I looked out the side of my eye to see Dricka.

"I just seen Sophia. She wouldn't even make eye contact. You beat the shit out of her",MJ chuckled and I did too.

" I don't even wanna talk about that. My ass laid in a hospital bed beat up too",I chuckled.

"Well you rest..",Dricka trailed off. "Never mind. George here",I instantly got mad.

I don't even know why he's here. I honestly don't. I don't want to even feel his presence. It got quiet and I heard someone clear their throat.

"What do you want?",I retorted.

"I'm sorry. I should've never let you leave",His voice was shaky.

"George fuck you",I retorted.

"Kay I didn't fuck her",He shouted.

I sat there without saying anything. I don't want to hear that bullshit. True definition of how a nigga will lie in your face. Even when you have proof. If this nigga wasn't my kids father I'll wish death on this bitch.  I don't wish death on anyone, but he is the person I hate the most at this point.

"Alright cool. Believe what you want!",I lifted my hand up flipping him the bird. Shortly after the door slammed shut. Fuck him. That's all I have to say about that nigga.

Quick Note:

One of my friends wanted me to update. So y'all get two updates in one day. Don't worry I still got that update for Saturday 😘

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