Natsu loves Mom?

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Mira's P.O.V

Nashi finally finished eating. I take away the plates and put them aside and sit beside her on the bed. " Why did you not tell anyone about this ? " I asked her . She was looking and at me in an unusual way and not answer to the questions . 'could it be ' I thought and changed the questions " how many of them know about it ? " I asked her .

" Umm..err.. master , aunt levy , juvia and erza , uncle gajeel and gray and I think uncle jellal might also know " she said in a hesitating tone . " So everyone close to Lucy knows about you except your father and happy " I said . She nodded her head as a no " natsu and happy know that I am Lucy's daughter. He doesn't knows that he is my father " she said .

" Fine then , how about me telling him ? " I asked her . She started shaking her head as a no . " Why ? " I asked her . " It's because ..." She said and started hesitating . " Because..what ? " I asked her . " Because natsu loves lisanna " she said . Hearing lisanna's names made me realise that she would break .

" Aunt Mira " nashi called me . " Because natsu is with lisanna does not stop him from knowing about you he is your father and what about you don't you want to be with him ? " I said . She kept her head down and said " no " . " Why ? " I asked her . " It's because everything that happened that night was a mistake " she said . " But he needs to know about it don't you think so ? " I said and stared at her . " No " she said and stared at me back it was as if myself and her were having a fight in which I finally gave up " I give up you are as stubborn as natsu so it won't be any use trying to explain it to you " I said . She didn't say anything and kept her head down .

" Even if I or anyone don't say anything to him . He will find out it on his own and when he finds outs he is gonna so mad at himself that he is never gonna forgive himself for letting Lucy alone go through such trouble " I said so that I could change nashi's mind . " Then I will never allow that to happen . I am never ever going to allow it to happen " she said .

I sighed look at her " you don't get , do you ? " I said and got up from bed an went to remove the plates . " What are you saying aunt mira ? " She asked me in a surprise tone . " That natsu loves Lucy but doesn't realise his feeling towards her " I said . " What the hell are you talking about ? He loves lisanna doesn't he ? " She said . " I told he doesn't realise his feelings towards her but he is starting to realise those feelings and two things are holding h from realising it " I said and was looking at her .

Nashi's P.O.V

' Natsu loves mom ' I thought and was shocked knowing it my mind was filled with this though . " What is holding him back ? " I asked aunt mira in a doubt full tone . " My sister and you " she said . " Wait , I am holding him back " I asked her to conform it . " Yes you , natsu thinks that Lucy loves someone else that thought is holding him back and that someone is your father whom apparently natsu doesn't knows that he is your father " she said . " Stop joking aunt mira " I said . She looked at me seriously " you think I am joking , then why don't you ask him yourself ? " She said and was about to leave .

" Wait , aunt mira " I said she stopped and turned around and looked at me . I moved my hand forward " letter ? " I asked her . " What letter ? " She asked me. " The paper which you kept in the in the pocket " I said . ' what is she trying to pull ' I thought. " Ah! you mean this don't worry I gonna keep it safe with me " she said . " Don't joke with me give me back the letter " I said and was reaching her pocket . " If you want the letter why don't to take it from natsu then after he reads it. He will give you back " she said and I stopped . " Good I will keep this paper with me .so you won't loose it again " she said and went. ' why did I throw the paper , I should have burned it instead ' I thought and walked outside .

I walk outside and see that natsu , aunt levy were cornering uncle gray and asking him something . I walk near them " what happened ? " I ask them . Natsu and aunt levy looked me " Nashi what did this ice bastard tell to you make you upset ? " Natsu asked me . " Tell us nashi what did he say ? " Aunt levy asked me . I look at uncle gray he was silent and looked like he was feeling guilty . " Uncle gray didn't say anything to me it's just I miss mom so didn't feel anything to eat I am sorry " I said . " You could have told me that you miss your mom " aunt levy said while bending on her knees touched my face with her hand " if you miss your mom you can always talk to me about it , it is the least which I can do for you " she said. " Don't worry nashi I am gonna find your mother at any cost " natsu said .

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