The challenge, Gray and Erza left to hagrom

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Natsu P.O.V

After having the breakfast I walk near happy and was talking about our yesterdays date . I felt someone pull his shirt . I looked around to watch who it was it was nashi " natsu let's go to the magnolia amusement park " she said with a wide smile on her face . " Noooooooooo way " I shout in horror of the rides within the amusement park . " Let's go natsu please , please, please " she said while putting puppy eyes . " No way " I said . " Why natsu let's go to the park " she asked me with puppy face . I look at her and told her again " No way Nashi " I said . She fell on the floor and started banging the floor and was repeating again and again the same question. ' why is she acting like a stuck up kid ' I thought and shout at her " no way means no you can do anything you want " I said . She looked at me again from the floor and then she repeated the same action. Everyone in the guild started were looking at me and her. ' I would have taken you but the rides ' I thought and looked at happy to ask him help for calming her down . " I will handle her " erza said while putting a hand on my shoulder " give a try " I said and rolled my eyes. " What does that mean ? U think I can't stop a kid from crying " she said . " You don't know that when she goes in those kinda mood . She is not going to listen anyone " I said . " Natsu you don't know how to act towards kid and handle them " she said and looked and nashi who was still on the floor " see and learn" she said and walked towards her sat near her and said " nashi how about instead of natsu me ,you , Metallica, Strom , atom all go to the amusement park instead " she said . She stopped for a second looked at erza ' it's working ' I thought. She lay her head again on the floor took a deep breath and started shouting again but louder than before " natsu take me to the amusement park" . I look at erza who looked me i smile she put her angry face and said " don't laugh you natsu " she said and and told to nashi " nashi listen to me let's us all go to the park" she said . This time nashi didn't even see her and ignored her . She stood up and said " nobody ignores me " she said and was about smack her on head ' this is bad ' I though and went to stop her with all of my strength and later I was not able to handle her even ice princess that gray joined me to the stop her .

Nashi P.O.V

" You are being extremely persistent today to go with natsu " I herd someone saying it was aunt mira . " Ya I wanna go with him and spend my day with him but he refuses " I said . " Well than how about it " she said and clapped her together and called everyone " how about natsu decide to take nashi to the amusement park or not with a competition " she said . " Competition " I and papa say at the same time. " Yes , now listen to me it is food competition to see who eat more than the other since the last time it was a draw but instead of just some ordinary food competition it is going to be the to see who can eat the spiciest food and if nashi wins natsu takes her to the amusement park and if natsu wins nashi would not insist on taking to the amusement park for today " she said . I get upon from the floor wipe out the dust and say " fine with me I am not gonna hold back to eat , ready natsu " I asked papa.

Natsu P.O.V

' well its a fair and square ' I thought and looked at nashi " fine with me I am not gonna hold back to eat , ready natsu " she said . ' hold back ah ? Is she trying to provoke me then she succeed and how much spiciness can a kid like her handle ' I thought and said " fine I am fired up " I say and looked at mira . " Fine she said and was passing through me to go to her place and cook food to began the match but before going to her place she came closer to my ear and whisper to me so I could only hear that " natsu you better win this competition I will tell you the reason later " she said and walked near her counter and started prepared food for us . ' what was that ' I thought . " I am gonna win for sure natsu " nashi said looking at me with a bright smile . " Ya why don't you try it is hundred years early for you win against me " I said. " Lets see " she said. " Nashi why are you so insisted on going to the park " I ask her . She looked me and said " just to have fun with you and spent time with you today " she said . " Then We can spend time anyother place to have fun like fishing , play in the park and many more " I said. She looked at me and said " natsu please " she pleaded . " Ok fine " I said and continued" only if you win the game " I said confidently. " Natsu , nashi " we heard mira calling us " sit here the competition stars now " she said pointing at the stools in front of the bar counter as we sat and mira began brought us both all the spicy food available in the menu . " Natsu you better win this " mira said as if she was giving me a warning. I nod my head everyone in the guild gather around us all and started betting on us i look at happy who looked hesitated to place his money on who was about to win " happy not placing your bet " I asked him . "I am thinking to put the money on you to win but " he said and paused . " But what ? " I ask him " I have a feeling nashi is going to win this " he said . " Thanks happy" nashi said with a smile. " Here I bet on nashi to win " happy said and gave the money to cana " Oi your my partner you should be betting for me to win " I shouted at happy but he ignored my shouting. " Ok lets begin " mira said and got yourself ready " ready get set , GO " mira said . We started digging the food into our mouths .

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