The Last Day With Papa , A Day At Amusement Park

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Natsu P.O.V

We finally reach the amusement park . I got two tickets for me and nashi . We entered the amusement park I saw at nashi she looked all around the park and smiling happly and jumping all over . I grab her hand and say " don't go jumping all over the park , you will get lost in the crowd" I said. She looked at me and smile . " Natsu let's go to that ride" she said pointing at it . i take a look at what she was pointing and shocked it was biggest ride in the park the roller coster . Thinking about it made my stomach upset and felt to throw the up everything I ate in the guild .

Nashi P.O.V

I look at papa who was about to threw the food which he ate at a guild . I knew the reason also ' motion sickness ' I thought and giggle . " Why are you giggling" papa asked me i look at him and call him " natsu can you sit on knees once " I said . Papa sat on his knees " what is it ? " He asked . " Nothing I say and slowly remove the patches which I went to buy after I won the challenge . " Here " I say and put my hands on both of his ear and stick up the patches behind his ear . " What are these ?" Papa asked while touching the patches behind the ear with his fingers. " Medical patches " I say . " What are these for ?" He asked again confused. "They are for Motion sickness , silly " I say with a huge smile. " wait ? how did you know I have motion sickness" he asked me "I-I saw how uncomfortable you looked when I talked about coming here, and I just figured that was it." I said . Papa looked me suspiciously . " Well now let's go " I say while putting the patches behind my ear . " Why are you keep those " papa asked. "because I have motion sickness too " I said and pulled him in the line to ride the roller coster soon it was our turn and we got the front seat . I sit one of the seats and looked at papa " nashi are u sure this is going work right ? " He asked . " Don't worry natsu , I told you right even I have motion sickness and look at me sitting with excitement" I said . He nodded his head and sat on the seat and the ride began and started moving . I looked at papa and smiled as he sat beside me. He was sweating like crazy. When we reached the top and were about to descend, papa began to wriggle.

Natsu P.O.V

"I change my mind, I want to get out!" I said since it reached the top and was about to descend down . " Too late " I heard nashi shouting as we descended down the ride began I was screaming at my highest voice possible since it was my first ride experience without any Motion sickness as the ride finished I and nashi get down of the ride . I and nashi were trying to catch our breath . " How was it ? " I heard nashi asking me . " It was scary " I said and took a bit pause and said " but it was fun , lisanna never told me about these medical patches which can be used for motion sickness, let's go again " I asked her but she refused " no, if we go again then what about other rides " she said . " That's right , lets go to the other rides " I said while throwing my hands in the air . We went to various like bumper cars , Cup and saucer and various other and I was enjoying it a lot with nashi . As we finished riding the rides we went to a ice cream stall and bought ourselves two cone ice cream and sat at a empty bench and started eating ice cream . I look at nashi and ask her the question which I wanted to ask her from the incident in the morning. "Hey Nashi, do you know how you ate my fire? I've never met another person who could do it." I ask her . She shook her head " I don't know natsu it was just that I just looked at the flames which were burning on your hand and my body moved on its own and without knowing anything I began to eat your fire natsu " she said . I felt myself disappointed since the dragon slayer are the only one who could eat there respective elements such as fire , wind , iron . " Natsu let's go the that stall it looks cool " she asked me . " Let's go " I said and walk near the stall and watch it was strength test attraction test . " Natsu can we try that " she asked me putting her puppy eyes it " let's try it " I say pay the money and pick up the hammer and I Wrapping my fingers around the handle tightly, I pulled the hammer off the ground and sent it crashing down on the weight. Nashi watched as the puck went flying up the tower and banging the bell at the top. Happiness began to swell inside her. Nashi jumped around me praising me . Every one near us looked at us since we won the strength. " ok kid ,Which gift do you want ? " asked the operator to nashi . I look her eyes stareing at one of the gift . ' it must be the unicorn ' I thought and said " that one " pointing towards the unicorn soft toy . The operator went and picked it up to give her . " I don't want that one " I heard nashi saying. " Then which one do you want ? " Asked the operator. " That red dragon" she said . I look at the soft toy which was looking exactly looked like igneel. " Here " the operator said and handed the you to nashi . Nashi took the toy and hugged it as hard as possible " so soft " she said. I rub her head and left . " What a cute family" the operator said looking at us but I heard it due to my dragon hearing.

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