The Plan

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Hi guys I am back with another late update of the story 😅 . Sorry about the late update I ran out of idea and didn't know what to write. So I am back . So continue back to the story
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Narrator's P.O.V

Early 6 o'clock in the morning . Time to start a new day of life . Everyone has a new way of starting life . In such a way the housewife's day starts with her family , preparing breakfast helping her children and husband get ready. So, thus the day began of an blonde hair women living in Magnolia trying to wake her salmon haired child for school .

Nashi P.O.V

" Wake up Nashi " a sweet voice rather sounding strict was trying to wake me up from my sleep . " Hm..5 more minutes " I say in my sleep as k was feeling sleepy and lazy to wake up . She sighned a little bit " Fine 5 more minutes and if you don't wake up after it I will pour a bucket of water on you like yesterday to wake you up " she said to me while stareing at me. As she said to me I went back to sleep . She slowly walked out of the room as cursing " damn Natsu he is spoiling Nashi , what was he thinking keeping her awake late night for a movie ..." She was cursing non-stop while walking down the stare.

' Natsu ' I thought of the name while going to sleep and realise it ' Natsu then who is it I was speaking to me ? whom was it ? ' I thought and woke up from my bed at once but fell on the floor landing on my bum . I got up and ran down . ' Am I home ? ' i thought as I walk down the floora and finally reach the ground . " Natsu wake up breakfast is ready " I heard the sweet voice again . It was coming from kitchen . I ran towards the kitchen I saw something unbelievable ... " Mom ? " I say it out loud in suprise .

She turned back towards " you are awake ? " She said and looked at the wall clock in the kitchen . " There are still 3 minutes woke up early " she said to me smiling . Seeing her smile I cried out loud . " Nashi what happened ? " She came as she hugged me and caressed my hair to calm me down . " What happened ? " Another voice came from another room mostly my mother's room and the person walked out from there was " Natsu ? " .

" Oi, when did you start calling your father with name ? " He asked me . " Father ? " I say it suspiciously . " What happened Nashi ? Are you alright ? " My mom asked me . I nod my head " I am fine mom I just had a bad dream I think " I say while asking myself was all of that a dream ? In my mind. My mom started slowly hugging me more tightly . " You don't need to worry , Everything is fine " she said to me and kisses on my cheek , smiled and went back to her cooking . " Good morning Nash " Nat...Papa said to me and kisses on my other cheek and walks over to my mom and kisses her lips greetings her " good morning " he said .

Mom started blushing a little as her cheeks slowly started turning red and and eyed towards and father backed off . " Let's go have breakfast , I am hungry " he said and sat down at the table . I sat beside him and thought ' All of that must have been a dream ' I thought to myself and started having my break fast with my family my mom , dad and me giggling on that thought . " What happened Nash ? " Papa asked me seeing me giggle . " Nothing " I say while nodding my head and continue having my breakfast. " Eat fast otherwise you are gonna get late to school " Mom said to me . I take a quick glance towards the wall clock and eat everything at once and run towards the late shouting " I am gonna be late bye mom , bye dad . " Wear my shoes from the shoe cub board . And was about to open the door but turn back around and look at mom standing in the kitchen and scolding papa for keeping me awake last night . I smile and open the door and jump outside loosing my footing and falling on the floor on my face .

I lift my head with my eyes closed and rubbing my nose " ouch " I shout . I open my eyes slowly and didn't believe what I saw next was night everything was dark around it " happening " I say it of suprise . " Na...shi " I heard a weak voice calling me . I turn around to look at mom bleeding from head to toe . She was walking slowly towards me but a chained spike had pierced thorough her stomach from the back and she fell on floor . The house was on fire all of the sudden and slowly burn down the whole house .Along with it a huge pain slwoly ran throughout my body .

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