Love Me Love Me

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Logan: Please God. Please make today the day where YN's going to express her feelings to me.

Logan wears a black suit. I get out of my room and see him standing there rocking that look... Thank You God for making such gorgeous people like him.

Logan: Hey.

YN: What's Up?

Logan: How do I look? Cool right? (Raises an eyebrow)

Act cool, YN. Act Cool.

YN: Yeah it's a'ight.

What did I just say? Cool has a limit

Logan: a'ight? Okay then... Since when did you use that type of language?

YN:  Uh, you know... Damn Logan! You should just start paying attention, what's with your questions?

Logan: Uh...

YN: I've got to go and get ready. Forget I even said anything.

I walk to the Bathroom and notice Penny come out of there wearing a black dress with diamond sequences at the top. For a mission, she sure dressed beautifully. I smile at her, she smiles back. I enter the Bathroom and as soon as I enter it, I hear Logan and Penny laughing and talking about how both they look good.

Oh my God, when I wanted Penny and Logan together- nothing like this happened and now when I want to tell Logan my feelings, they compliment each other. Oh why, God,  is this so confusing?

I freshen up and wear a navy lace dress with nude colour heels. I curl my hair. I get out and notice everyone has left. They never wait for me!
I grab my pistol, just in case, and walk to the Next Door Lodge.

I enter the party and I see the house full with guests drinking and dancing. I go to find the guys and Penny. God, where are they? After a couple of minutes of searching, I find them.

YN: You know you could have waited for me...

James: We wanted to be here for when the party started.

YN: We're not here for The Party, we are here to find the room of the drugs!

James: Let's just make the most of this party.

I roll my eyes at James.

YN: Logan, you come with me and let's find the drug room.

Logan doesn't answer. In fact, he looks Paralysed and his mouth is kind of open. I clap my hands in his face.

YN: What is with you?

Logan: Too... Much... Beauty

I laugh and smile at Logan and we make our way to the back of the house. I get my pistol and put it in Logan's back pocket.

Logan: YN. Not in public... (smirks)

YN: Oh, calm yourself. I just knew you would forget a weapon. I bought you one, just in case.

Logan: You so care about me.

I don't say anything. Obviously I care about him, I love him. I want him to be safe.

Logan: You didn't disagree... So you do care about me. (softly knudges you) You gotta say something..

YN: Mission.

Logan: Oh, Oh right.. Yeah. Mission.

I notice a door guarded with two big security men. That's probably where the drugs are.

Security: HEY! You're not supposed to be here!

Logan: Oh... Uh... We were trying to find the Bathroom.

Love Me, Love Me. (A Logan Henderson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now