He's Back

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Penny, Logan and I get back at the Warriors Base. As soon as Logan enters the buiding, he is attacked with hugs. Obviously, it's gonna be Kendall, James and Carlos. I chuckle and walk to my office.

James: DUDE! How can you just leave...

Logan: I just needed time, I needed to get myself together after the kidnapping.

Carlos: Oh please! More like YN rejected you-

Kendall slaps Carlos' arm.

Kendall: What he meant to say is, YN just wanted to stay friends with you. But you can't just leave...

Carlos: Anyway, we are glad you came back.

All agree

Logan: Glad to be back.

James: Seen you enter with YN. So you met her first? (Raises two eyebrows repeatedly)

Logan: Yeah and (points to James' eyebrows) stop that.

James: Sorry. So, has anything changed between you two?

Logan: Dunno. But I'm going to find out. (Walks to your office)

Carlos: Woo! LOGAN!

James: Get her Logan!

Kendall: WOO HOO!

I hear cheering, it's probably the boys acting stupid. Anyway, I just focus on my work on the computer. I hear a fake cough. My eyes look up to see Logan leaning on the door.

YN: Yeah?

Logan: (sits down on the couch) Ah...

YN: Make yourself comfortable (!)

Logan: So, have you thought about it.

I knew what he was talking about. But I just had to make sure...

YN: Thought about what?

Logan: About us.

See. Told you he was going to talk about that. I just carry on with my work.

Logan: C'mon, I gave you three months!

YN: Listen, I like you. Okay, I do. But as friends.

Logan: Okay, fine.

YN: Saying No to me... wait, what? You actually agreed?

Logan: It's a matter of more time. I'll give you more time.

I don't need time! I made my decision! Wait, don't tell me he's gonna leave...

YN: Logan, don't you dare leave!

Logan: Chill, I wasn't anyway. Why do you even think that?

YN: Cause the last time when you needed time, you left.

Logan: But this time, this way you need more time. So I'm always going to hang around.

YN: Anyway... Talking about last time, I wanted to say I was sorry for what I said. I do want you in my life, you're an awesome friend.

Logan: (smiles) Thanks.

YN: And, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. It was just that the mission was a bit hectic.

Logan: And what about the slap on my arm?

YN: Sorry for that too.

Logan: You're forgiven.

YN: So, as a friend, welcome back.

I hug Logan. It's awkward at first, but he feels really protective and warm... I actually don't want to let go of him, but I have to. I suddenly feel his arms tighten around my torso.

YN: Logan...?

Logan: (enjoying the hug) Yeah...

YN: Stop pushing your luck. You are going to literally break my bones.

Logan: Oh sorry. (He loosens his grip)

We move away from each other but are still in each other's arms. We both look at each other and he leans in... I move back.

YN: (awkwardly smiles) Just friends. (Taps Logan's nose)

Logan: Yeah... Sorry.

I sigh and walk out. That is really awkward even after three months.

Penny peeks her head in YN's office to see Logan walking back and forth, looking frustrated.

Penny: You alright?

Logan: How can YN not realise her feelings for me... I know she does have feelings.

Penny: Stop acting frustrated. I'll help you.

Logan: Really?

Penny: Of course. You two look so cute together.

Penny and Logan make a plan.

Love Me, Love Me. (A Logan Henderson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now