Stop Being Annoying

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I show Logan the Weapon Cabinet. I give him a pistol to start with. I lean back on the wall and watch him shoot.

YN: Hit the red dot in the middle of the dartboard.

Logan: I know what to do!

YN: (you put your hands up in the air) Okay... Go ahead.

Logan shoots perfectly with the pistol. I must admit, I'm impressed.

YN: That was impressive...

Logan has a self congratulating moment where I am standing there, shaking my head.

Logan: Well what can I say? I was taught by the best.

YN: Aw, thanks.

Logan: Not you! You haven't taught me anything. Video games have.

YN: Bu..But.. But.. Urgh! Anyway, Let's look at you using a shotgun. (Gives Logan a shotgun)

Logan wears the headphones and focuses on the dartboards. He misses the red point on a few dartboards.

YN: Stop.

Logan stops and looks at me.

YN: Shotguns are very powerful and so are The Hunters. They will set out to kill you and you shoot like you will only shoot their leg and they will still be able to kill you.

Logan: So, what do I have to do?

YN: I'll teach you.

I go over to Logan and help him position his gun properly.

YN: There you go.

Logan isn't even paying attention. He is full on staring at me. For God's Sake. He's so annoying.


Logan: (shakes his head quickly) Wh- What?

YN: Shoot, please.

Logan: Oh right. (Concentrates on the dart boards)

Logan improves his aim using the Shotgun. I decide to change the duration of the dart boards so they come faster.

YN: (you give Logan a pistol) Right, so if you were on a mission and there were lots of enemies you needed to eliminate, you need to be really fast. So stay focused.

Logan: (stares at you) Oh I will keep focused.


Logan rolls his eyes back at the dartboards.

This is the first day training him and it's hell! Imagine, when we do missions together. Fricking hell.

Logan completes his session. Today, I'd give him a 7/10.

YN: You're good at pistols and you have improved at shotguns. Tomorrow, 9AM, meet me here...

Logan: It's a date. (smirks)

For God's sake, seriously?

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