First Day Of School | BLURB (requested)

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"I can't believe he's starting kindergarten" you said to your husband from the passenger's seat. You were currently on your way to your son's school. It was his first day of Kindergarten and your emotions were running high. You still saw him as that newborn baby that you held in your arms for the first time at the hospital. You still remember how it felt to see his precious face for the very first time and the overwhelming feeling of joy that took over body once it set in that you were finally a mother. Of course you dreamed of moments like these where he would begin to grow into the man you were trying to raise him to be, but it was still such a bittersweet feeling to see him grow up and begin to slowly but surely not need you as much.

"Yeah, it feels like you just had him yesterday." Justin spoke. This made you groan out of mixed emotions of sadness and frustration that your baby boy would be gone for hours today.

When Justin pulled into the parking lot of the school, you were the first one out of the car. You opened the door for your baby boy, Jace, and tried to help him out until he insisted that he did it himself, earning a high five from Justin when he did it successfully. He was already beginning to show you that he was growing up and didn't need you to help him with every little thing anymore and that made you just a bit more sad about today.

"Are you excited for your first day of school, buddy? Or are you nervous?" Justin asked him. The three of you were walking towards the front of the building, you and Justin on both sides with Jace in the middle. He was adjusting his book ag on his tiny shoulders when he answered.


"Yeah. Are you scared for your first day?" Justin asked, making it a little simpler for him to understand.

"No. I'm not nervous." he said in that adorable little voice that made your heart melt every time. The three of you went inside and went straight to his classroom. You both had already been to the school and checked everything out when you registered him, you had to make sure it would be a good environment for him.

One of his teachers was standing outside of the classroom door as you were approaching it, giving you a genuine smile as you got closer to her. At this moment your heart clenched and your pace slowed, making both Justin and Jace slow down as well. You looked at Justin, who gave you a look of sympathy because he knew what you were feeling right now, before you looked down at your little boy, your baby.

"Jace, are you sad that mommy is leaving soon?" you asked him, looking down to see his reaction. He hummed for a bit, like he was thinking before letting a quick "no" fall from his small lips. "So you're not going to miss me??" you asked him, hoping to get a different answer this time.

"Ummmm, nope." he said before running the rest of the way to his teacher. He stood in front of her as she said hello and introduced herself while you stood there and pouted over the fact that he was leaving you already. You decided not to walk any further, but Justin met the teacher at the door. He has just kneeled down to give Jace a hug before you saw the little boy turn in your direction and start running. He crashed into you, hugging your legs before you got on your knees to squeeze him as tight as you could. When the hug was over, he gave you a big kiss on the cheek before running back to his teacher and father. A smile took over your face as you watched him go inside the classroom, sending you a big smile before disappearing behind the wall. He was such a little prankster already, but you never expected him to act like he wouldn't miss you only to show how much he loved you at the last time. You stood there for a minute and shook your head, thinking to yourself how "he's a mini version of his father".


question: do you want kids in the future? how many?

i personally want none. 😊

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