Almost Due

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y/b/n = your best friend's name

You hummed along to a song that was playing in your head as you cut up some freshly washed apples. You added them to the bowl of fruit you cut up previously before cleaning up the mess you'd made in the kitchen. Your closest friend asked you to make it for her. Normally, you would've told her to do it herself then sit in the kitchen and talk to her as she did it, but she's pregnant so you decided to just be nice and do it for her. Being the great friend you are, you stay at her house sometimes to help her out when Justin is working, sometimes even when he isn't.  It wasnt a burden on you at all, you loved helping her and being around her because you loved her. You'd hate yourself if you didn't at least try to help her when she needs you the most.

You grabbed the bowl and the cup filled with ice water she also requested and made your way upstairs. After walking into the room she shared with Justin, you put her water down on the nightstand and gave her the bowl of fruit.

"Thank you." she told you and you hummed in response. You were so eager to get the chance to talk to your little God-baby again, you did it almost ten times a day. You laid down next to your best friend and put your head next to her plump stomach, so close you could kiss it if you wanted too.

"Hi, baby Jace. I can't wait to meet you. I'm gonna feed yous ice cream and get yous toys and everything your mom won't get."

"You can't feed a baby ice cream, fool." y/b/n said, laughing at your silliness.

"Well one day he'll be able to eat it and when that day comes I'm gonna get him all of it. Til' it stuffs his cute little tummy." you finished. Your best friend just laughed at you as she ate the fruit you brought her. "Look, Jace. I think you should know this as soon as possible... I'm ya daddy. Not Justin." This statement earned you a laugh and a hand pushing your face away from your friend's stomach. You laughed at her reaction.

"Don't be telling my baby those lies! He know who his daddy is." she told you.

"Yeah, 'cause I just told him." you said, making her laugh again and shake her head.

"You get on my nerves." she said, still laughing.

Justin walked in on cue with a big smile on his face as he laughed. You wondered what had him in such a good mood as he walked over to y/b/n's side of the bed. You sat up as he gave her a kiss before raising her shirt and placing a kiss to her bare stomach. He pulled her shirt back down and looked in your direction.

"I don't remember seeing you in there putting in work." he said, smirking afterwards.

"Boy, you were not putting in work. It's cute that you think so, though." you replied. You and Justin always went back and forth with each other. It was harmless. Justin was like a brother to you and giving each other a hard time is just what siblings do, right?

"Oh, I definitely was. Several times, in different places, positions, for hours."

"You're so disgusting." you said, laughing. He seemed to get enjoyment from your response so he kept going.

"I'm just saying, I was the one deep in tha-"

"Stop!" you yelled, covering your ears with your hands. "I don't want to hear another. word." you told him. You watched as he laughed out loud and childishly stuck your tongue out at him. Y/b/n just rolled her eyes and laughed at the two of you. As childish and annoying you two can get, she loved the two of you and she was so happy you both were here when she needed you the most.

Justin Bieber Imagines [interracial/bwwm]Where stories live. Discover now