I Have To

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i'm sorry but i just have to say this.

it really hurts me to see people saying they're not beautiful or pretty or good enough just because someone they like is dating someone who doesn't look like them.

regardless if justin dates a white, brown, black, crystal, freaking plastic girl that does NOT affect your beauty. you're beautiful regardless of what his latest girlfriend looks like.

it's honestly a matter of self esteem. i know this because i've felt the same way to a certain extent. i felt like because i'm not super skinny that i couldn't be with a certain person but that's not the case at all. 1. most of the time when you feel this way you don't even know if he'd like you bc nine times out of ten, he hasn't even had a conversation with you & 2. his preferences or the girls he ends up falling for & your worth do not coincide! they just don't relate to each other. if you know you're beautiful & you're worth it *does 5h choreo* then it won't matter.

if someone likes you it's because of your personality & the type of person you are. it isn't (& shouldn't) be about whether you're like the last person they dated. we put too much emphasis on looks these days & thinking that if we don't look like the most liked girls on instagram or our fave's latest fling then we're ugly & that's not the case! each & every one of us is beautiful & the guy you're meant to be with will flip over backwards to be with you.

justin tells us we're all beautiful because i truly think he believes it & wants us to believe it. he's not obligated to date a certain race because it'd back up his words (when it shouldn't even affect his statement), that wouldn't even be fair to him.

i just want you all to take some time to truly learn your worth & your beauty because then nothing will be able to break it. list out all of the things you love about yourself not because it reminds you of anyone else but bc you genuinely like it, point those things out daily & you'll start to truly love yourself (no pun intended omg i can't even write anything anymore bc this man uses such random song titles)

i love you guys & my messages are open if you want to talk or need advice or anything. i just want to help because i know how it feels to feel sucky or insecure or anything less than happy. ♡

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