Are You Staying?

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I open the door and we walk in but vanilla fills my nose. We walk into the living room and a man stands up spinning to face us making my heart skips as mom screams and runs over hugging my him. Justin jerks and starts crying from her startling him. I drop down pulling him from his seat to sooth him as my dad who was supposed to be dead walks over with my mom tucked under him arm.

So you must be my daughter Abigail and this is my grandson Justin? I thought I heard a dog? Aren't you allergic Heather?

He asks and She nods but I answer.

She is but they're mine and there's two of them. They're Great Danes and my Jared trained them before he was killed in the a car accident. I was told you were killed in the war. What happened?

Well first of all the dogs will have to stay outside. I won't have your mother sick. Second let me have that boy. I never got to hold you and I'll be dammed if I'm not gonna hold my grandson. As for me I was being held captive. They couldn't release that information. It was to vital to our mission. Had word got out that I were alive then things could've turned bad for me and several of my comrad's. I called Patrick as soon as I could. I arrived last night and they told me everything. I tried to call you from his phone but you didn't answer. I'm sorry about your boyfriend honey.

I frown then hand him the a diaper and wipes as mom snickers and steps away but he takes them and grins. I walk out to my car and get the bassinet and a few other things. I bring in our bags and set them down and he tells us to stay as long as we want but tells mom he wants to speak to her privately. He hugs me as he hands Justin to me I so I take him and go upstairs. I lay him in his bassinet then lay on the bed and dozing off.

Abby sweetie. Wake up Liam's here.

Mom says so I sit straightening myself up. I was up and down most of the night with Justin but he's gone now. I look around but the house is full of people I don't recognize then I see Sean as he looks over and his eyes go wide and he hurries over to hug me. I hug him then we walk over looking out the back doors at Thunder and Lightening who are playing fetch and frisby with some of the people.

That's a huge ass dog house. I can't believe Carson and Heather got married last night. Your parents are crazy.

He chuckles as I look around for them shocked by what he just said. Then I see my mom holding Justin and smiling with a new ring on her finger. I turn and ask Sean who all the people are. He starts naming people then a girl walks over and smiled as he takes her hand.

Abby this is my girlfriend Allison, Allison this is my cousin Abby.

Oh hi. I just met your family over there. Sean talks about you all the time. Are you staying long this time?

I'm not sure yet but I'm shocked by my mom's sudden marriage. There's a lot of people here. I know I'm staying for a little while. I've never met my dad so I'm staying here with him and my mom so I can get to know him. I just don't know how long. Plus I have my babies and my mom's allergic to them.

I explain as I look out at Thunder and Lightening.

You should just buy another house so you can take then with you there. It would be your place it's not like you have to stay here. You have your own money.

Sean insist but I grin shrugging.

Yeah I guess so. I have to get dressed. It was nice meeting you Allison. I'll see you soon Sean.

I hug him and wonder if he noticed Justin or even realized he was mine yet. I dress then load Justin's bag for the day making sure I have what I need. I say goodbye as mom takes Justin and straps him in then loads Thunder and Lightening for me. Then she puts his bag in the passenger seat. I hug her and my dad who squeezes me.

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