Faking It ?

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We take off passing a few car lots then pull into a used car lot but Suzy looks at me like in crazy.

You were serious? You're buying me a car?

Yes. You need to be able to get around and to be able to come visit me.

Then get out. The salesman walks out looking at the two of us then looks at my car and grins like I'm an over privileged brat. I look at the cars then point to a dodge charger and she smiles.

Really? Can I?

She bounces happily running over to it. The man walks over and I smile telling him my friend likes his car. He looks at mine and says he likes it then chuckles as we move on about business. He tells us everything about the car then she drives it saying she loves it so we walk in to do the paperwork. She fills out everything and he starts to run her credit but I pull out cash from my purse and he looks at me.

Oh did I forget to tell you I'm paying cash for the car. This is her first car and she doesn't have a job so she can't afford a car payment. I'm buying it and she'll work it off. Plus what are friend for but to help each other out?

I smile and she hugs me but he smiles and counts the money. She takes the white title then I follow her to the gas station and we fill up and agree to meet at the Arbor Place Mall. I head home but when I pull in I see Levi talking to the not so sweet old lady next door and a crew of men fixing the roof. I walk past and hear her ask him about me but I keep going as he tells her I'm his cousin and tells her I'll be staying for a little while that my mom's the woman living here and I'm here to get her off the drugs. I walk in passing the guys on the couch. I don't bother to look at them and go to my room as Preston says hey. I just wave and walk on. Then Leah calls telling me she's headed to the mall so I change into my skinny jeans and blue corset and spritz my perfume then put my earrings in then brush out my hair and grab my other purse as I walk out to grab some money to go to the mall. I bend down and open my safe when Preston asks if I'm going to the mall or a club but Jared smarts off.

No she's gonna send pictures to her ex. They're friends and she has to have his approval for everything.

He dramatize his complaining so I turn around to ask him what his problem is but Bradley speaks up and I freeze in my tracks catching on to his act.

Who's... What the hell?! How'd you get so much money? What did you guys do rob someone? Who cares that she's friends with her ex you dick. You're friends with your ex's. Who's money is that? Where'd you get it?

Fuck you Bradley. Some friend you are taking her side. It'd be different if it was Paula? You'd be pissed if you caught her with another guy even though you know she cheats on you! And no we didn't rob anyone that's Abby's money. She's a millionaire, that's just her spending money. Dumb ass.

I grab a couple stacks and close the safe locking it and shake my head at Jared for telling him but he frowns knowing he goofed so he tries to fix it.

You can't tell people about her money especial Paula you know how she is and people will try to use her. Even if she's an ass and needs to tell her ex to piss off.

I shake my head and walk toward the door telling him were just friends and he needs to get over it.

No. Friends don't ask what underwear your wearing Abby. That's not a friendly question. That's a let me jerk off while thinking about you question.

He demands so I look at my phone and frown to keep my cool because that almost broke me.

Ooh...! You're so! Ooh!

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