➳ Chapter 59 - Emergency Exits

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[Hannah's POV]

We all finally got some well earned sleep and CC and Cayden left to get shower and a change of clothes. Alex, Shannon, Jorda, Johnnie and Tyler had stopped by before to keep me company in the meantime.

I finished feeding Josie and she was now asleep as Alex helped tie up my hospital gown. Shannon sat at the foot of the bed and Tyler and Jordan went to get us some food.

"She's so cute," Alex smiled as Josie cooed in her sleep.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"Hey, how cute would ot be if she became a drummer like her daddy and big brother?" Shannon said as she walked over, hugging Alex from behind.

"Oh god, don't remind me of those future migraines," I groaned with a laugh. "One more drummer I'm gonna end up taking Advil like its cereal."

Alex and Shannon laughed as then a nurse walked in.

"Miss Ramirez, you have visitors who want to see you, but aren't on your visitation roster," she spoke.

I scrunched my eyebrows. "What are their names?"

"Constance and Joseph Ramirez," she spoke.

My heart dropped as I instinctly held Josie closer to me and Shannon spoke first.

"Whatever you do, don't let them in," she spoke. "They can be really violent people, and are the reason Josie's brother has a scar on his cheek. The Mora's even have a restraining order on them."

"I'll call Cayden," Alex said, taking out her phone as Tyler, Johnnie and Jordan cane back.

"No, call the police," Shannon said.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked.

"Hannah's parents are trying to get in," Shannon said.

"What?! How did they find her?!" Tyler asked.

I felt tears as I looked down at Josie, everyone going ahead to call the police and CC.

"I'll tell them you aren't here, buy some time," The nurse said. "Lock this door just in case."

"Thanks," Shannon said as the nurse left and Jordan locked the door and turned the lights down to make the room look empty, Johnnie running to my side as Alex dialed the police and Tyler called CC.

"It's gonna be okay, Hannah," Johnnie comforted. "We're not gonna let them do anything."

I took a deep breath as a single tear fell. "I won't let them hurt anyone else... They already hurt Cayden, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt my daughter or any of you kids."

"Hey, we can take it. We're tough," Jordan smiled.

"Cayden and CC are on their way, but Jeff and Ashley were on their way and are closer, so they should be here soon," Tyler said.

"Police are gonna send a cruiser to get them," Alex said.

We all then jumped at the sound of a hard slam against our door.

"HANNAH!! WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!" my father's voice roared.

I covered my mouth to suppress my cries as Johnnie hugged me, Josie waking up and crying, but I quiet her down a bit, which thankfully worked.

Tyler then looked at something at the corner of the room.

"Hey guys... I have an idea," he said.

We looked and realized there was an emergency exit door in this room.

"Haas that always been there?" Shannon asked.

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