➳ Chapter 2 - Thoughts

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[Cayden's POV]

"Clearly, none of you will know a simple 2+2 equation even if you the answer was slammed right into your faces!!" my math teacer, Mr. Thomas, ranted.

The entire class groaned, but I honestly didn't really care if he even ranted. I was just reading my book. Safe to say, Leander Watts is my favorite autor, next to Ellen Hopkins.

"However, there is one spark of hope among you," Mr. Thomas said, standing in front of me. "And that's the only one with a functioning brain here."

I then had a math test with my name and an A+ next to it.

"Thank you, Cayden, for at least knowing how to use that head of yours," Mr. Thomas snapped.

Fucking prick.

"You're welcome, sir," I sighed as I continued to read and ignored the rest of his rant.

I'll never understand why the board of education hired teachers with the worse attitude ever. I mean, yeah, I'd hate to be teaching the same people ever single day and almost always getting no results and having your blood pressure hit the roof, but doesn't mean you got to hate the entire world because of it.

The bell rang and I gathered all my things and walked out, not making eye contact with anyone.

I went to my locker and pulled my stuff in and at the same time, had my head grabbed and slammed against the locker, before another set of hands punched me in the eye.

I groaned as I held my face and my friend, Johnnie, ran up to me.

"You okay, man?" he asked.

I sighed and nodded.

Yeah, you can pretty much guess that I'm bullied, but I'm kind of used to it.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I sighed.

"You're bleeding," he said grabbing one of my gym shirts and handing it to me.

I pressed it under my nose and sighed. At least the shirt is red.

"Be glad we have a three day weekend, dude. Hey, Saturday my family and I are taking a trip to Cincinatti. Want to join?"

"Dude, I don't know. I have to stay with my mom," I said. "She's seeming more sad than usual."

"Why is she always sad anyway? I mean with a wonder son like you, you'd expect her to be happy," he said.

"She never had an easy life growing up, especially since she raised me all on her own, and pretty much didn't eat just so I can eat," I said. "And that worries me."

"Damn," Johnnie said. "She can come if she wants to."

"No, she doesn't like traveling. Look, I'll think about it, because I hate leaving her alone even when I have to work," I said.

"Okay. I have to go, so I'll text you," he said.

I nodded as we bumped fists and I made my way to the student parking lot, and got on my bike, driving off to the stales where I worked.

I took care of this rich guy's horses and helped with a little bit of landscaping.

It seems like child labor, I know, but he caught me one time riding his horses, and instead of turning my ass into the cops, he told me he needed someone to watch them, and offered me to do so.

I gained some muscles doing this, and he pays good money, so I can't say its terrible. After all, I mostly just ride all the horses around and feed them and give them water. And he pays me weekly $80. Not to mention his wife feeds me and make sure she sends something for my mom.

I got there in 20 minutes tops and he greeted me.

His name was Xavier Bates. Creepy last name, but nothing like the horror stories and movies. He's a nice man, soon reaching his 50's, same with his wife. They have a son, but he's traveling the world, already graduated college.

In a way, he's sort of like Jay Gatsby, but not SUPER rich and throwing parties every day just for a girl. More like a relaxed Gatsby in a normal horse ranch and successful wine business. Weird he doesn't have a vineyard, but he has another house in Napa, so it's probably there.

"Good to see you again, my boy," he smiled.

"Good to see you again, sir," I said.

"Have some nasty marks on you," he frowned.

"Kids at school, sir," I sighed as I shrugged my hoodie off.

"I know the feeling. Come in so Martha can have a look at you before you go to work," he said.

I nodded and followed him in.

Mrs. Bates took care of my eye and nose before I went to the stables

I cleaned out the stalls and put in new hay and oats for each of them, as well as water, and took each of the 4 out for a ride around the ranch.

I was riding the chestnut mare, Misty, and looked out into the horizon.

Coming up here, I enjoy it. It gives me time to think... To do A LOT of thinking.

I sighed, as I kept thinking what life would be like if my mom didn't keep me from my father. I mean, she had good intentions, but maybe if he was around, she would at least eat something. She's fainted multiple times during work because she refuses to eat, just so I can have something to eat.

I sighed as Misty snorted.

"Ever wish you had a different life, Misty?" I suggested. "Like... Something life changing happens to you?

She neighed and stomped her hooves a bit.

"Who knows, though?" I sighed, pulling my legs up, resting my chin on my knees. "Maybe if something life changing did happen, then maybe my life and my mom's would be better. She would be in peace.... the two of us would."

I sighed before I took out my phone and checked the time.

"I should be getting home," I said, and clicked my teeth to motion her back to the stables.

I locked her in her stall before checking them and heading back to the house, making sure I didn't dirty the floors. Thankfully, no mud or horse droppings.

"Cayden, honey, you're leaving already?" Mrs. Bates asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I have to get home to my mother," I said.

"Well, at least take this, for both of you," she said, giving me a container of food, enough to feed two people.

"You're too kind, ma'am. I can't," I said.

"Don't. Its alright," she smiled, cupping her hand on my cheek before gently patting it.

I knew there was no arguing with her.

"Mr. Bates has to go on business, so he's leaving the pay in advance," she said, leaving two $100 bills in my hand.

"T-Thank you, ma'am," I said. "Very much."

"Its nothing dear. Now, drive safe, I'll see you next week," she smiled.

"Thank you, ma'am Have a good weekend," I said.

She returned the gesture as I left, helping myself to some candies from the candy dish, since she doesn't mind, and leaving back home.


Here's chapter 2!

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