➳ Chapter 7 - Son?

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[CC's POV]

I groaned as I woke up to my phone ringing, my head buzzed from last night's alcohol.

I sat up and saw Ash knocked out at he foot of the bed, snoring and with a thong wrapped around his head and lipstick smeared all over his mouth.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle as I looked at the table near the bed and grab my phone, answering it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Christian Mora?" a woman's voice asked.

"Yeah, who's this?" I asked.

"I'm calling from Children Lives Foundation, in reference of your son, Cayden Mora," she said.

I went still. I have a son?

"Son?" I asked.

"Yes. He's been living with his mother until 2 weeks ago," she said.

"W-Who's his mother? What happened?"

"His mother was Josefina Montez. She died 2 weeks ago from anorexia and exhaustion in her sleep," the woman said.

Josefina Montez.... Oh! I remember her! Really nice but shy girl I.... Wait...

"Did you just say she died....?!" I said, shock and realization hit me.

Ash was waking up and looked at me, scrunched eyebrows.

"Yes, unfortunately. The reason I'm calling is because Cayden has no one to go to, and you're the only family he has left," she said. "We were wondering if you wanted his custody"

I thought about it for a bit.

"How old is he?" i asked.

"Sixteen, turning seventeen in June," she said.

This was a lot to take it. Josefina is dead, and there's a big chance we had a kid. We hooked up almost 17 years ago at a party, and she just disappeared. It makes some sense, but I need to make sure.

"How will I know he's my kid?" I asked.

Ash cocked an eyebrow.

"You can take a paternity test, if you want," the woman said.

I thought about it... Josefina was a gorgeous girl, a sophomore when I met her in high school, me a senior with a drumming career already in my hands. Yet... She was always alone.... and always came to school with bruises and looking more and more thin each day. I decided to be friends with her, since nobody bothered to. We were friends for a while until that party that she just disappeared, dropped out of school.

If this Cayden kid is the reason for her disappearance, if he is actually my son.... Then I have to meet him...

Poor kid must be going through a hard time right now...

I got a nearby pen and paper and spoke.

"What's the address?" I asked.

Once I got all the information, I hung up.

"Son?" Ashley asked.

"Apparently, his name is Cayden. His mom was a classmate in high school I knew, recently died not long ago, and now the kid has no one else. I'm the only family he has left I think," I said.

"Shit. What are you going to do?" Ashley asked, pulling the thong from his head.

I sighed. "See if this kid is really mine. We have our day off this weekend in Ohio, I'll go to this foster home and see, then take a paternity test to see if he really is my son," I said.

"I'll come with you. Between you and me, I thought I'd be the one surprised with a kid, but I guess I'm beat," he said.

"We'll see in two days," I said.

The Drummer's Heart (Son of Christian "CC" Coma)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin