➳ Chapter 43 - Dreams

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[CC's POV]

I stood in shock as Josefina smiled up at me.

"Its been so long, Chris," She smiled shyly.

I nervously approached her, reaching out and placing my hands on her cheeks, and sure enough felt her soft skin on my palms.

"My god... Josie..." I said in shock as I pulled her into a hug, and her tiny arms wrap around my torso.

"Daddy!" A little voice squealed and we turned to see a familiar little boy, probably around the age of five, run up and hug my leg.

"Cayden," I smiled softly in surprise.

"Welcome home, Daddy," he giggled.

I smiled, but then my smile fell as I looked at Josefina. "Am I... Did I die?"

She gave a sad smile before looking at Cayden. "Cayden, how about going upstairs and picking out some movies for later, huh?"

"Okay, Mommy!" he said, and scurried off before she turned to me.

"You're not dead, Christian," she said. "This is kind of like a dream. Its not your time yet."

I frowned. "It wasn't yours, either.... Cayden still needed you, Josie," I said. 

She sighed. "Yeah.... But I was a horrible mother," She mumbled. "He deserved better... We needed you, but... I was so scared..."

I felt sad hearing this from her as she sat down.

"But why?" I asked, sitting down next to her. "You knew you weren't well... Why, Josie?"

She sniffled as a tear fell down her cheek. "I-I don't know... I only cared for your safety and Cayden's... You already had a record deal, and... A baby would have held you back. And you knew how my parents were, they would have hurt you and Cayden... I just wanted you to follow your dreams and be safe, and I didn't want Cayden to be scared and unhappy... Then he found a letter I wanted to write to you when he turned 10, and at first I wanted to tell him some lie, but I couldn't lie to him..." 

I sighed, knowing her intentions were pure... But at a terrible cost...

"God, how stupid was I... Cayden deserved much more than a nervous mess like me,"  she said, her voice breaking into tears.

I leaned over and hugged her tightly. "You are not a horrible mother, Josefina. Cayden grew up to be everything I would have wanted out of my kids," I said, and pulled back, holding her face in my hands.

She looked at me in surprise.

"He's kind, smart, happy..... He's sadly hard-headed like you and me," I said, trying to humor her. She managed a chuckled and looked down as she held my hands.

"You did so good with him, Josie," I smiled. "You really did."

She smiled shyly. "You raised him great so far, too... I'm proud of you and him more and more everyday, seeing him so happy... That's all I ever want for him is a happy life," she smiled. "Same with you... Don't doubt yourself like I did."

I smiled, then frowned. "I need to get back to him... He needs me... My brothers, Hannah...."

Josie smiled. "She's really good for you" She said.

I smiled. "Yeah... But I'll never forget you," I said.

She nodded. "Me neither," she said, placing a palm on my cheek.

"You're already a good father... You're going to be just fine," she smiled.

I smiled softly, somehow feeling like there was some meaning to what she said. then she leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Tell Cayden I love him... and I give him and Johnnie all my blessings, too," She said. "I somehow always knew they would end up being closer than usual."

I smiled and nodded as a bright white light suddenly shone around us.

"I'll always be there..." I heard Josefina say as the white light soon turned black and all of a sudden I felt something shock through me.


I gasp deeply as my eyes shot open and another much different bright white light blinded them as I felt my body lurch forward, pain erupting all over as I caught my breath.

"My god," a female voice mumbled as my vision cleared and I saw myself surrounded by doctors and nurses.

That's when I heard screaming and crying outside and recognized the voices and ripped off all the tubes, ignoring the pain in my body as I pushed past the nurses trying to stop me and threw the doors open as I stumbled outside, trying to catch my breath.

"CC!!!" A familiar voice exclaimed and I turned to see my family looking at me in shock, tears in their eyes, Ashley holding my tear-stricken son.

"Dad!!" Cayden screamed in shock.

I couldn't help but smile as I panted a bit, calming down. "Mom says hi..." I mumbled.

I then stumbled to my knees as him and Hannah rushed towards me and held on to me, then my band mates as they all hugged me.

Hannah and Cayden cried into my shoulders as they clung to me for dear life and I just held them tightly as I can.

Thank you, Josie...


Picture: Josefina

Note: I know its a drawing, but its hard finding a character to look for Josefina's description and this artwork (credit to artist) is literally the most closest if not exactly the kind of description I was looking for.

Let me know what you guys think so far! :)

♡~ sapphire.

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