➳ Chapter 23 - Birthday Plans

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[Cayden's POV]

Days passed by and tomorrow is my birthday.

I didn't really know what to expect this year. Usually, my mom and I just use the whole lot of money she saved up that she was supposed to use for herself and takes me, Johnnie, and Alex out to a fancy dinner and then buys a cake for us all. Its probably the only time she ate more than usual, for me.

This year, I don't really know what to expect. I mean, Johnnie, Bryan, and the band are here, as well as my Dad.

I don't really mind, so long as nobody makes a big deal about it. As a kid I never really liked the whole idea of a big birthday party with bounce houses, clowns, all of that. My mom knew that so she made sure my birthdays were never that big of a big deal. The biggest was a small get together at home on my 8th birthday with some friends just watching some movies, and then a cake with a few presents.

Right now, I was just eating breakfast with my Dad, Callie eating her food.

"So, any idea what you want to do for your birthday?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Now that I know of. I mean, I don't really like doingbmuch on my birthdays."

"Okay, well, what did your mom use to do?" he asked curiously.

"Well, she'd chip in on a bit of the money we saved up and take me, Johnnie, and our friend, Alex out to dinner, then get us a cake at home," I said, stuffing cereal in my mouth.

"Well, we can go to any restaurant you want, Johnnie and Bryan can come, too," he suggested. "Unless you want to do something else. Doing nothing is fine, too."

"Nah, I mean, we can do whatever, so long as its not a big deal," I said.

"Got it. No problem," he smiled.

I smiled back and kept eating. "So, what are we doing today?"

He shrugged. "Studio stuff, then maybe going out to lunch," he said. "Tell you what, you can pick the restaurant this time."

"Hmm... Well, Ash did mention a Pink Taco here once," I shrugged.

He nodded with a shrug. "So long as you don't get anything alcoholic."

"I won't. I promise," I said, laughing.

He smiled as I kept eating.

[CC's POV]

I don't know why, but I'm pretty nervous.

Tomorrow is Cayden's 17th birthday... Seventeen years of not knowing about him or what became of Josefina.

I don't know how I'll ever make up for those years of my absence, bit I do want what's best for Cayden like Josefina wanted.

The least I can do is spend time with him on his birthday and make it really special for him this year, considering it's his first birthday without his mom.

But... Seeing him makes me smile. Josefina raised more than just a good kid. Cayden is kind, caring, funny, talented, just.... amazing.

I just know he's going far in life.

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