➳ Chapter 33 - Regular Days

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[Cayden's POV]

Dad went out early to fix something in the record, so I just cooked myself breakfast, fed Callie, showered and dressed, and worked on virtual school the rest of the day.

Dad thought about public school, but since I was pretty much bullied and beaten in my old school (same with Johnnie) and since he hates the idea of leaving me on tour because my excuse is that Im in school, he let me sign up for online school, that way I can go on tour with him and still get an education.

Ashley kept his word and helped bring back my things from home, including my bike. He helped with the few repairs it needed and it was soon good as new.

Just then the door opened and a familiar voice chimed in.

"Hey, anyone home?" she asked.

"In the living room," I called out as Callie went to greet.

Hannah giggled as she walked into the living room and petted Callie.

"Hehe, hey Cayden. Still with online school?" She asked.

"Yep. Already finished a math lesson yesterday," I said, closing my laptop. "How was work?"

Hannah is a physical therapist, as well as a lifeguard on the weekends from time to time, and her friend, Bethany, works in Rocksound. She and my dad met one night after he had an interview and she was waiting for Bethany since she was her ride home, and they just ran into each other and I'm guessing sparks flew.

Sometimes on my free days I go to the clinic with her and learn some stuff there.

"Great. Right now, this vet who's legs were paralyzed from pieces of shrapnel was able to take a few steps on the bars all on his own," she smiled.

"That's awesome," I said as she handed me a sandwich bag.

"Yeah. By the way, you're dad and uncles are running late, so I'm gonna get dinner started. Is Johnnie and the others coming later?" She asked, pulling her jacket off as she placed it on a chair, seeing she was in her dark royal blue uniform scrubs.

"Yeah, just Johnnie," I said. "I'm gonna watch some TV, I hope that's okay," I said, unwrapping my sandwich.

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll let you know if I need anything," she said, getting her change of clothes and heading to Dad's room to change, Callie deciding to follow.

I turned on the TV to see Criminal Minds was on and decided to watch, suddenly, dozing off halfway through an episode.

It was then I was woken up by something tickling my cheek.

I let my eyes opened and smiled as I saw Johnnie's face hovering over mine.

"Hey babe," I mumbled.

"Hey. Sorry I woke you up," he smiled

I shrugged. "It's okay."

He smiled as he got a nearby blanket and then I sat up, coiling my arms around his waist and pulling him towards me, making him yelp in surprise.

I chuckle and kiss his shoulder as he kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jacket, tossing it aside and then we laid back and he curled up into my chest as I pulled the blanket over us and then wrapped my arms around him.

"You're warm," he mumbled.

I smiled and leaned his face up to kiss his lips.

"Enjoy my blubber," I joked, making him laugh, then turn to the TV.

"What are you watching?" he asked, turning around so his back was against my chest.

"Uhh, I think its still Criminal Minds. Looks like a marathon," I said.

"Cool," he said as I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer, letting his snuggle into me.

"By the way, Bryan and Jordan are planning a surprise party for Damon this Saturday," he said. "He's been pretty down lately, so we're gonna cheer him up a bit."

"Cool. I'll help set up if its okay," I said.

"Awesome," he said.

"Under one condition," I smirked.

He looked back.

"You be my date," I said.

He laughed and nodded, kissing my lips. "Absolutely."

I smiled as we continue watching TV and soon, dinner was ready.

my dad arrived just as we were about to eat Hannah's famous mac n cheese casserole.

Johnnie and her ended up sleeping over that night.


Picture: Hannah (except her nails aren't that long)

In case you're wondering, no, she won't be evil or anything like that.

♡~ sapphire.

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