➳ Chapter 40 - Shocking Confessions

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[Ashley's POV]

Andy was soon out of the hospital and resting at home, and Cayden was going to leave soon as well.

Our driver and one of our sound tech guys unfortunately didn't survive and died from their injuries

CC was still in critical condition and we're all scared of the day the doctor says they needed to take him off life support.

We're all praying that doesn't happen.

Poor Hannah has barely slept at all, and hasn't been looking so well. Cayden was worried out of his mind, desperate to see his father.

Right now I was just visiting Cayden and CC again. Cayden was asleep, Jhnnie also asleep and curled up next to him.

Alex and Shannon cuddled in the big cushioned chair-bed thing nearby and Alex had dozed off, but Shannon stayed awake and just played with her girlfriend's hair.

I was worrying about Hannah being by herself, since the others couldn't come due to being in bed rest orders from their injuries, so I decided to go check up on her.

"I'm gonna go check on Hannah and CC. Mind holding down the fort while I step out, Shannon?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," she nodded.

I nodded back and walked out to the ICU area.

I looked into the area and was surprised to see Hannah wasn't seated where she usually would be, yet her things were there. And CC was as expected in bed, lifeless and still as usual.

I quietly entered, the sounds from the machines breaking the silence from the room.

All of a sudden I heard coughing and gagging coming from the bathroom, making me jump.

"Hannah?" I called out, and it suddenly went quiet.

That's when the bathroom door opened and Hannah emerged, looking really pale and tired.

"Oh god, are you alright?" I asked, rushig over and helping her to a nearby seat as she burst into tears.

"Ashley..." she mumbled. 

"What happened? Did you throw up?" I asked.

She was quiet before she nodded. 

"I'll go get you some water. Stay here," I said, and was about to leave before I felt her hand grab my wrist.

I turned to see her look up at me, scared and with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Hannah?" I asked, now feeling more worried. 

"A-Ashley, I....." she mumbled, letting out a sob before continuing. "I'm pregnant."

I froze at her words. "Wait.... What?"

"I-I'm expecting Christian's baby," she cried.

My eyes widen in shock. 

"But... W-When? How far along are you?" I asked, kneeling down to her level.

"It was while Johnnie and Cayden were in the MDE tour of theirs. A month after they left, me and Christian, we...... I'm almost three months along," she whimpered. "I was going to tell him and Cayden when you boys got home."

I was shocked and then realization hit me as I looked at CC and then back at Hannah.

Oh god..... Oh god, this isn't good....

"Does anyone else know?" I asked her.

She gulped. "The girls know... Even Nikki knew. She was there when I first found out. I'm sorry.... I begged them not to tell anyone until you guys got home, but then....." she said, then cried.

I couldn't help but pull her into my arms and let her cry into my shoulders.

CC.... Please pull through... You're still needed here....


A bit of a filler, but how was that jaw-dropper?

Let me know what you guys think so far!

♡~ sapphire.

The Drummer's Heart (Son of Christian "CC" Coma)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon