➳ Chapter 56 - Hospitals

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[Cayden's POV]

I paced the maternity ward waiting room anxiously, waiting for my dad and everyone else. We got here just in time as some strong contractions got her. They said it was just Braxton Hicks, but she was definitely starting to show obviously signs of labor.

"Cayden!" a voice called and we turned to see Dad, Ashley, Jake and Inna running up to us. Behind them was Jordan, Tyler, Johnnie, Alex and Shannon.

"Guys!" I exclaimed, relieved as my dad rushed over to me.

"You're okay, where's Hannah?" he asked.

"They took her in, she's waiting for you," I said. "She's not dialated yet, so their just relaxing, but I came to wait for you guys."

"Alright, okay," he said, hugging me. "I'm proud of you, buddy, you did good."

I smiled nervously as Johnnie nudged us. "You two go on ahead. We'll stop by when everyone else arrives."

"Ash, call my folks," Dad said.

"On it," he said. "Get going, both of you.)

We nodded and rushed to where Hannah was.

We enter the room and saw she was taking some breathing exercises with a nurse.

"CC!! Cayden" she exclaimed with relief as Dad rushed over to her, me begind them.

"How are you holding up, baby?" I asked, kissing her head.

"I'm fine," she sighed with a smile. "Baby Chuppy just wanted to really be here, I guess. But it'll be a while til I'm fully dilated."

"Are you the father?" a nurse asked.

"Yes, I am," Dad said as they shook hands. "This is my son, Cayden."

"A pleasure," she smiled. "Miss Ramirez is doing just fine, and the baby is alright as well. It will be a while until she will be able to push the baby out safely, so I hope the two of you and any family is ready for a long night. We will keep you updated on everything. Everyone's welcome to come and stay here until the moment of truth is approaching, for now we'll provide a few cots at night for anyone staying."

"Awesome, thanks so much," he said.

"No problem. Later on if the contractions get a bit stronger, we can suggest an epidural," she said. "For now, she can just relax in the meantime."

"I doubt its necessary, but thank you," Hannah said as I sat next to her.

"Alright then," she said. "Like I said, take it easy and call if anything happens."

We thanked her and she did some final check up before leaving.

Dad sat down next Hannah and I decided to let everyone know they can come in.

"I'm gonna let everyone know its okay," I said.

"Wait, Cayden," Hannah called and I turned.

She smiled. "Thank you."

I smiled back. "It's nothing. Anything for my family," I said, and left to get the others.

Anyone volunteering to stay is definitely looking at a long night.


This was kind of a filler, but at least I updated.

Let me know what you guys think of the story so far. :)

Might be bringing this to an end soon. Not sure. Let's just see how everything goes.

♡~ sapphire.

The Drummer's Heart (Son of Christian "CC" Coma)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora