➳ Chapter 37 - Accidents

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*A year later* (time skipping because I ran out of ideas. Sorry.)

[CC's POV]

Time passed, Cayden and Johnnie soon turned 18. Cayden decided to live with for a while until he and Johnnie decided to move in together.

MDE disbanded after a tour and it was pretty much hell for everyone. Poor Johnnie was having a rough time and dealt with depression, so I cheered him and Cayden up with a pug pup that I saw for adoption when I took Babalino to the vet.

(Note: I forgot to include CC's pet pug and I'm told that's his name so He'll be here from here on out, but let's say he was always in the story, please?)

Johnnie was really happy when Lola came into everyone's lives. Callie and Babalino are pretty protective sometimes of her, and she's very playful.

Right now BVB was on tour and Johnnie and Cayden were with us. Hannah stayed with Juliet to watch over the pets, so hopefully its not too hectic with 5 cats and 6 dogs.

I sat on the couch in the with Cayden next to me on his laptop finishing a GED lesson, Johnnie asleep with his head on his lap. Everyone else was either asleep, eating, or talking with their families back home.

I was a little nervous, considering we were almost to Cincinnati, and its tomorrow marks 2 years since Josefina passed away. Last time, Cayden had a breakdown when we visited.

It surprises me how strong Cayden can be. All that he's been through in life I would hear from fans, and most of them would succumb to the comfort of blades, drugs, thoughts of taking their own lives, and other harmful stuff. It hurts having to even see the scars sometimes.

But Cayden hasn't given up to that kind of stuff, and I'm glad. Who knows how Josefina would have taken those kind of news if she were alive.

I suddenly heard a scream from the front and everyone jumped before a force suddenly hit the bus and tipped everything over as it spun, and screams erupted everywhere before I hit my head on something and it all went black.

[Johnnie's POV]

The bus stopped rolling and I groaned as I laid on some broken glass, something heavy on top of me.

"Ahh," I groaned as I felt glass dig into my back.

"Is everyone okay?!" I heard the security guy shouted.

"What happened?!" Ashley shouted.

I looked over and spotted Cayden nearby, his arm bent weirdly and blood on the side of his head, eyes sort of open.

"Cayde..." I groaned. "Cayden, wake up..."

He groaned and looked blankly around.

"J-Johnnie..." he mumbled weakly.

"Cayden, stay awake, please! Don't close your eyes!" I screamed.

He took deep breaths as he weakly looked around. "D-Dad..."

I looked around for CC and spotted him not too far away, blood on his head and I think dripping from his stomach.

"HELP!!!" I screamed, suddenly feeling the heavy weight lifted off me, realizing it was a shelf.

"Johnnie, oh god," Jake gasped as he pulled me out.

"C-Cayden," I said, looking back to see Cayden and CC.

"Ashley!" Jake called out as I was then helped to my feet, but suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness.


Okay, so, I decided to just add an accident scene, see how it goes.

This story will probably reach its end soon since I'm running out of ideas.

At least I updated a chapter.

♡~ sapphire.  

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