Chapter Sixteen: Bella's POV

Start from the beginning

"This is unbelievable!" I whisper. Harry and Hermione's eyes are shining in a similar way to mine, as they take in the street.

"I know," Hermione said, quietly. "It never gets old." Before we went any further, Hermione turned to face me, holding her wand out in front of her. She muttered a few things I didn't hear, and before my eyes my hair turned an alarming shade of blonde that reminded me of Lauren's bleached tresses, and my skin darkened to a golden tan. "Disguises so we don't get accosted in the streets by our adoring fans." She explained, in a slightly sarcastic voice, before turning her wand back on herself and applying the same changes. As her eyes turned from brown to blue, I wondered if mine had too- I certainly couldn't feel the difference.

Harry's hair is now long and brown, covering his scar, and his eyes are brown too, while Ginny has gone for the blond look, like Hermione and I.

"Where to first?" Harry asks.

"Madam Malkins," Ginny said, instantly, throwing me a grin. "We need to get dress robes for Bella for Percy and Audrey's wedding."

"Dress robes?" I asked, puzzled.

"Fancy robes for fancy occasions," Harry elaborated. Hermione gives him a look for his incredibly simplified explanation before turning to me.

"It's tradition to wear dress robes to a wedding," she says, apologetically, "but after that we can go to Flourish and Blotts and Scribbulus Writing Instruments!" she adds, sounding eager. I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm, and follow them to a neat little shop labeled Madam Malkins Robes For All Occasions. It's a tidy little shop with a bell that rings as we step inside and mannequins lined up against the walls dressed, in the bizarre clothing that the Wizarding World calls 'robes'.

A short woman dressed all in mauve hurries over, a large smile on her face. "Can I help you?" she asks politely. The older woman's skin hangs off her body in a way that suggests she'd once been plumper, and had lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Faded lines of stress are present on her face, and up close I can see the weariness behind her smile.

"We need a pair of dress robes for my sister for a wedding." Hermione explains, gesturing to me, and the woman nods.

Before I really know what's happening, I'm standing on a stool, in front of a large mirror, while the woman adjusts the length of the bizarre 'robes' I'm dressed in. They're long and formfitting, soft blue in color and come with a sheer shawl. After an uncomfortable half hour we emerge from the shop victorious, me holding a large shopping bag with my shiny new dress robes. Lucky me.


The afternoon seems to pass in a haze. It feels like I've stepped into a fairy tale- I mean, there's a shop that sells owls, and ones that sell broomsticks, quills, and even magical fireworks!

Arms loaded with a variety of supplies, including the weirdest sweets I've ever seen, my new dress robes, and a fancy quill made from a peacock feather, we enter Flourish and Blotts- the bookshop Hermione's been eyeing off, ever since we turned the corner.

When we stepped inside, I suddenly understood Hermione's enthusiasm. I wasn't quite as big a bookworm as she was, but it was easily the most wonderful bookshop I'd ever seen. The shelves were stacked to the ceiling with books as large as paving stones bound in leather; books the size of postage stamps in covers of silk; books full of peculiar symbols and a few books with nothing in them at all.

Hermione makes a beeline for a shelf near the back, and I follow her- Harry and Ginny are waiting outside, most likely making out. Hermione crouches beside the shelf, and my gaze flickers over to the titles. My eyes instantly widen in understanding 'Vampyre Lore', 'Living with Vampires', 'Warding off Vampires', 'A History of Vampires', 'The Vampire South Wars', 'Spells For Killing Vampires', 'Advanced Wards- Vampyre Special Edition'. They were just some of the hundreds of books that were vampire related.

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