Epilogue/Authors Note

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Third Person POV:
Subject: Percy Jackson
Class: Demigod, Greek
Godly Parent: Poseidon
Powers: Ability to breathe underwater, hydrokinesis, talks to fish and horses
Dimension: 2 Earth
Status: Graduated; Attending Mortal Collage


I just wanted to thank you again for the cookies. They are delicious, and will definitely help me get through the summer.

Speaking of which. You might be happy to learn I no longer have to live with the Dursleys, but that is more of a safety issue than anything. They have to move me so I'll be safe from Voldemort; so everyone will be safe from Voldemort.

As you know, I'm going on a quest. The quest Dumbledore started, to find the Horcruxes. I'll try and write when I can, but forgive me if it takes awhile.

Your friend

Harry Potter

Percy sighed, staring down at the letter in his hand. Of course he was worried for his friend. Quests were often dangerous, leading to the death of someone or something. Normally someone through, especially in a quest like this.

"May the Fates favor you." He whispered, looking up at the lake.

"Dad, keep him safe for me. Or, at least make sure he doesn't get himself killed." Hedwig nipped Percy, causing him to chuckle.

"Alright, so maybe Athena, if you're listening, could you keep an eye on him too? Or at least Hermione...I know you'd like Hermione." The wind blew a soft breeze on the demigod, which he took as a yes.

"Thanks. Now go back to Harry, Hedwig. He's going to need a friend." Hedwig hooed in response, taking flight.

Little did Percy know that was the last time he was ever going to see that owl again.

Subject: Emma Frost
Class: Mutant
Powers: Telepathy
Codename: White Queen
Dimension: Six
Status: Teacher, Power Control

"You're wondering what I think of the Professor choosing me over Jean... you're overreacting, really. It's not like he made me Headmistress."

"I'm not overreacting. I just want to know your thoughts." Emma chuckled.

"My thoughts? Oh Scott, you know this doesn't work that way."

"Emma, come on. Humor me for a minute." Emma sighed. Scott was an awful bore sometimes.

"I think he choose me because Jean is hesitant about her powers. You cannot have a teacher teach a class on powers and then have them turn around and not know how to use their own."

"You think you're more powerful than Jean?"

"I never said that. I merely said she doesn't have as much control as I do. Not to mention, there's a young telepath that has Jean's same problem."

"She doesn't like being in other people's head?"

"More she doesn't realize how powerful she is, and is extremely hesitant."

"The type of student Xavier would put blocks on."

"Apparently she removed them subconsciously. But don't worry about her. She just needs the proper training." Emma smirked, turning to Scott.

"That is what the school is for."

"Of course. Now run along; I think Jean is looking for you." Scott turned to leave, but paused.

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