SHS~ Menace

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Characters- Spiderman, Reyna, J.J. Jameson (mention only)

It all started with a newspaper.

The Headmasters wanted to make the school more like a normal, average school, so they were adding in new activities, electives and clubs.

One of them, was a school newspaper.

Peter Parker was all for working at the school newspaper. He had worked for the Bugle a couple times (granted, all J.Johan Jameson wanted was pictures of Spiderman, but that's not the point) and he thought that this shouldn't be anything different. Go around the school, get some photos, write a story or two. Easy.

Unfortunately, it was different.

For one, there wasn't a whole lot of drama. If people had fights it was either in class, so he couldn't get anything from it, or they hid it well. And any other drama just wasn't newsworthy.

Which naturally lead to a news channel.

Basically, it let all the students know what was going on outside their little school. In the real world, in their home dimensions. So they could catch up and stay in touch with their home. It was a good idea, Peter would have to admit. It just didn't work out well for him.

One day, the school news channel happened to show the Daily Bugle. And what were they ranting about you ask?

The one and only friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Peter Parker was walking back from the library with Reyna when the newscast happened. He decided to show Reyna the library, even through Reyna already knew where it was. But, she went with him anyway, thinking that it was nice that the boy wasn't afraid of her and was genuinely kind. He wasn't terribly annoying, despite the horrid puns he made.

Though, those did get annoying quite quickly.

"And in other news, New York is finally safe from that wretched wallcrawling menace-." Peter paled as soon as he heard J.J's voice. If Reyna heard J.J.J go on and on about how much of a menace he thought Spiderman was, she would hate him!!

"Uh..hey Reyna!! You seen the History classroom yet?" Reyna frowned.

"Of course I've-." Peter grabbed her shoulders and shoved her into a nearby classroom.

"Kay see you tomorrow!!" When Reyna walked to the lunch room about two minutes later, J.J.J's rant was over, and nothing was out of the ordinary. Minus the fact that Peter Parker was nowhere to be seen, and how strangely he was acting.

For the next three days, Peter tried to keep Reyna from hearing the newscast. He would talk louder, distract her from going into the lunch room, or even web her to the floor "accidentally" so she wouldn't hear it.

Finally, she had enough.

"Peter Parker, are you hiding something from me?!" She demanded. Reyna didn't need a weapon in her hand to be terrifying—Peter shook his head quickly.

"No!! No, No, No!!" He said quickly. The dogs at Reyna's side growled.

"Why are you lying to me?!" She snapped, tempers flaring. She didn't appreciate being lied too, and was even more upset that someone she believed to be a nice person was hiding something from her.

Peter sighed in defeat.

"I.....I don't want you....hating me." Reyna looked down. He wasn't lying...but why would she hate him? What a random thing to be worried about.

Peter sighed, looking away when Reyna didn't say anything. He sounded so selfish, that even he hated himself. Looking back at his past actions, he did handle it quite poorly.

"Explain." Reyna ordered, looking up at him. He was taller than she was, and sometimes she hated it.

Peter sighed, turning back to face her.

"The newscast that has been happening. I'm...Spider-Man in it. But....everyone back home thinks Spider-Man is a menace....and I didn't want you to hate me. Or think less of me. I thought if you heard the broadcast and saw how much New York, specifically the Bugle doesn't like me, you'd think I wasn't a hero or something. And I didn't want that to happen, cause you're like...pretty cool. And stuff." Reyna almost felt her heart melt. He cared what she thought...and it wasn't because his life depended on it or anything! He just...genuinely cared.

"I think you are a very nice person, Peter Parker. I don't think you're a menace, no matter what anyone else thinks of you. The media is often incorrect about things...I have no reason to believe they would be right in thinking you're a menace." Peter grinned at her response.

"Thanks Reyna." Before he could think differently, Peter pulled Reyna into a hug.

And she didn't kill him.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!! ❤️

(And no, I do not have a Valentine)

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