Chapter eight: Agni Kai

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Chapter eight:
Leo Valdez
Class: Demigod, Greek
Godly Parent: Hephaestus
Powers: Pyrokinesis

I was falling.

My shirt, burnt. Cargo jacket ripped.

Still falling. I wonder what it'd be like hitting the ground. Would it hurt? Probably.

My life flashed before my eyes, and I remembered how I got here. If you could count falling from the sky as here. I really needed to make better life choices.

_____________________________flashback starts________________________

Yes, I was dating Amara. The mutant with the ability to control lava, or fire, which was perfect for me!

But, the key word is was.

I was eating breakfast, teasing Sean about breaking our window (again) when she stormed up to me, magma powers and all.

"LEONARDO VALDEZ!!" Amara screamed. I jumped. Naturally, the other Leo (and the rest of the school) looked towards me. It was basically a High School, they were suckers for drama.

"Uh...its Leo." I corrected. Never had it been Leonardo, but I guess she's been hanging out with Mr. D or something. Or maybe she just assumed.

Amara growled, her flame hair growing brighter.

"Oooooo...someone's in trouble..." I glared at Sokka and looked back at her, chuckling nervously.

"Hey babe...what's up?" I asked, trying to play it cool. She growled again. She was really not happy with me, ever so clearly.

"Do you know what yesterday was?" I thought for a second. Today was Friday...which meant yesterday was Thursday...but that probably wasn't the correct answer.

"Thorsday?" I asked. She snarled, and the table next to us, snickered at my comment. I think they were SHIELD Agents.

"No!! It was our 9 month anniversary!!" She snapped. Was it really nine months that we had been dating?!

Oh Styx....I briefly remember starting a project for Amara in Tech Lab, but I got distracted when little Festus stopped working. I nearly had a breakdown and I spent the rest of the class trying to fix him; completely forgetting about the project I originally started that same class.

"Um...happy anniversary?" Amara smacked me. Even through I was fire proof, it still hurt—mostly, because I'm not smack proof.


"I can't believe you. Valdez!! I thought you loved me!!" I jumped up, tripping slightly.

"I am!! I mean, I do!! I love you!! You're my everything princess, let me make it up to you!!" Amara huffed.

"Fine. Three days where you're on your own. If you make me a gift and show it to me on the last day, I'll forgive you." She said walking away.

Sokka frowned.

"Sooo...does this mean your single? Or..." I shrugged.

"I have no idea."


Luckily, I had Tech Lab first that day. Unfortunately, Pepper was taking over.

"Now, Tony is off in a business meeting in New York, so I came up with a lesson plan, because Tony had nothing." I resisted the urge to groan.

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