SHS~ Forgiveness

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Characters~ Storm, Jason, Thalia

Storm felt awful. She was sure that Jason already forgave her, being the kind boy that he was, but that didn't erase the feelings of guilt. She was an instructor, a teacher—there was no reason she needed to use her full might against a child, and yet...

After being paired with Jason Grace in gym class, Storm went back to the X-Mansion for awhile, helping those students who didn't wish to become X-Men. Charles tried convincing her to come back, promising that all was okay...but she wasn't sure. Not that she doubted Charles, but after harming a student, even accidentally, the guilt was...a lot.

The students at the Mansion didn't avoid her, but even they agreed she should go back. Wolverine of all people encouraged her to go back. Something about the kids needing a good instructor—it was flattering of him to say, but she was still wary. Unfortunately, she could only avoid it for so long.

Walking back into Hero High, Storm felt her stomach twist as heroes, particularly Demigods seemed to side eye her. Was she really going to be allowed back? Did everyone know what happened?

Storm felt her heart raise when she saw Thalia Grace walking towards her, but it only sunk once she realized that Thalia did not look happy to see her.

"You hurt Jason. You were supposed to be training him and yet you sent him to the hospital wing." Storm didn't blame her for being angry. Ororo only nodded in defeat, hanging her head in shame.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"If you were sorry you wouldn't have run off to wherever it is that you live and hid there like a coward!!" Did Thalia really think she was a coward? Storm had worked with both of the Grace siblings, and while Thalia didn't particularly care for her lessons, Ororo never assumed it was because she thought Storm was a coward. Though, it might've been fair. Ororo did run away from her problems, afraid of the consequences.

There was a crowd gathering around them, curious to see where this was going. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't very interesting.

"I am truly sorry, Thalia. When Jason called the Tempest, I was overwhelmed by it. When I finally broke myself free, I forgot to account for the fact that I wasn't fighting a storm anymore, merely a child. I didn't mean to hurt Jason, truly." Thalia glared at Storm for a few minutes, and the silence was incredibly painful.

"Find him. And apologize. It's not my job to decide whether or not you're worthy for forgiveness." Thalia ordered. Ororo immediately nodded in agreement.

"I will. That's what I came here to do. I understand if you are wary of me though, and wish to discontinue our lessons together." Thalia looked the weather 'goddess' over, frowning slightly.

"You're a powerful lady, Ororo. You were just trying to protect yourself." And with that, Thalia walked off. Storm stayed where she was, letting out a small sigh. That was the best she was going to get for the eldest Grace—now what would Jason say?


The first thing Jason did when he got out of the hospital wing was look for Storm. Thalia and the others insisted that he should avoid her, but Jason ignored them. Sure, Charles said that Storm had gone back to the X-Mansion back on Earth, but he still kept an eye out for it. It wasn't uncommon to see Elder X-Men members pay a visit from time to time. She was sure to show up eventually.

Well. Hopefully anyway.

Jason had almost given up hope, sure he would just never see Ororo again, when he heard the gossip that she was back, and Thalia had given her a piece of her mind. He wasn't thrilled about the second part, but he was happy to hear that Storm was back at Hero High.

"Storm!! Storm!! Ororo!!" In the crowded hallway, it was easy for his cries to get drowned out in the chatter. But Storm heard him, and waited patiently for him to catch up.

"Jason! I'm glad to see you're on your feet. I was really worried about you." Jason smiled at his mentor.

"Don't worry about it. I've been hurt worse before, and it was just training. Accidents happen." Ororo frowned slightly. Should he not be more upset? She was after all, an adult. She should've known better.

"How are you not upset? Jason, I'm not exactly a child. I could've seriously hurt you." Jason shrugged nonchalantly.

"I forgive you. Can't hold a grude forever right?" Jason joked. Storm smiled.

"You are a good man, Jason. I know adults who wouldn't have the strength to forgive me as you do. Your father should be proud." Jason stood a little straighter, smilingly proudly. Yes, Jupiter should be proud of his son, but it meant a lot to hear that coming from Ororo. Beyond a good mentor, she was a powerful and good hero. Her words meant a lot.

"Thank you, Ororo." Lessons between Storm and the Grace siblings continued as usual. Ororo was extra careful when she sparred with them, but Jason always encouraged her to give it her all. Almost like he had completely forgotten about the accident.

All was forgiven between the two; Storm was glad that Jason had forgiven her, and Jason was glad that his mentor thought so highly of him.

Nice heartwarming chapter there. I hope.

Next will be an actual chapter, so dont worry.

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