Chapter twenty-two: The Most Dangerous Game

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Chapter twenty-two:
Peter Pevensie
Class: Other, Human
Occupation: King of Narnia
Powers: None
Weapon: Sword and Shield

I wasn't sure how I felt about the tournament. Clearly it was bad news, but if the Professor agreed to it...

"Do you think the Professor is corrupted?" I glanced at Leonardo over my book. We were currently in the library trying to do some research for our History project.

"How can you think such a thing?" I asked. The turtle sighed, putting down his book and fiddling with his thumbs.

"Its just...I've heard so much about the greatness of Charles Xavier...what he's done for mutants, what he's done for humans, how he's a leader in the mutant and human peace...but what happened yesterday...that seemed odd." What happened yesterday is what the student body is calling the 'Spider-Man incident'. Spider-Man fell through the roof and was fighting Venom. When he was throw outside however, he brought a wall down on an innocent student known by the name of Eddie Brock.

"Indeed. Why did he not just read his mind and find out what Spidey thought he was doing?" I asked, in a hushed voice. Not only were you supposed to whisper in a library, but the teachers also forbade us to talk of it.

"The Professor doesn't read people's minds without their permission." Jean Gray. Normally seen in the Hospital Wing, it's rumored that eventually she will replace the Professor in his teacher position.

However, that's just a rumor.

"He should in emergencies. Or when seeing both sides of a story." Leonardo countered.

"Well he doesn't. And even if he did, he clearly saw that Peter was guilty and decided to suspend him." Oh yeah. He was suspended.

"But it doesn't add up Ms. Gray. Think about it. Shouldn't Fury have some files that say whether or not Eddie Brock was actually Venom? Or, shouldn't Doctor Strange be able to perform some spell to prove it? I'm pretty sure Doctor Fate could do that too..." Ms Gray glared at us.

"I can't believe you doubt the Professor!!"

"I can't believe you would so blindly believe him that you won't look at facts." Leonardo said simply. Jean Gray growled and stormed off. I looked at Leo.

"There was nicer ways to say that."

"None that would prove my point Peter." He said. Warren walked over to our table, carrying a pile of books, with a confused look on his face.

"Anyone want to tell me why Marvel Girl told me I needed new friends?"


Gym wasn't my favorite class, but it wasn't exactly my least favorite either.

I got to see Susan, which is a downside.

"Hello Susan." Adjusting her bow on her shoulder, she glared at me.

"What do you want?" Thinking of what Leonardo said earlier, I swallowed nervously.

"Susan, have you noticed anything...odd going on lately?" I asked. She frowned.

"You mean other than my archery classes getting cancelled because Green Arrow and Hawkeye are too busy to teach us? You mean other than Justin Hammer coming back to teach Tech Lab because Pepper Potts went back to New York to run Stark Industry? You mean other than Spider-Man getting suspended because a villain tricked him? You mean other than the fact that all of the teachers seem... distracted somehow? No, I haven't noticed."

Okay then.

"Yes, I do mean that. Something's going on, and I don't think I like it." She huffed in annoyance.

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