Chapter seventeen: A Teacher's point of view

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Chapter seventeen:
Jennifer Walters
Class: Agent, SHIELD, Avengers associated
Alias: She-Hulk
Powers: Super Strength
Notes: Cousin to Bruce Banner

When Bruce told me he was teaching, I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed. When he told me he was teaching again for a second year, I laughed again. Rick found it funny too.

However, when I got an email from Professor Xavier, asking if I could come in to talk to a bunch of kids, I think I fainted.

And Rick laughed at me.

Now, here I was, walking down the hallway, of a high school, wearing one of my best suits, hair pulled into a tight bun, thinking of what the hell I was supposed to say.

Alright Jen, relax. All you have to do is explain your life before the accident, explain how it changed you and how it helped you. That's all the Professor wants you to do.

Also answer any questions.

"Jen?" I grinned, happy to see a friendly face. I didn't know Susan was here too!

"Hey, Susan!!" I wrapped the blonde in a hug, careful not to crush her.

"Hey Jen, it's nice to see you again. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Xavier asked me to come in and talk to some kids. What about you?" Susan waved her hand nonchalantly.

"The Avengers are dealing with some new crisis back in our world. I'm substituting for your cousin, Bruce." Of course. The Avengers were always off saving the world, and Susan made a perfect substitute. I'm sure Reed enjoyed working with his wife.

"Makes sense. Rick says hi to everyone he knows, by the way." Susan laughed, rolling her eyes.

"He does know he can send a letter right?"

"I don't think he does." I responded.

"The Professor's classroom is down the hall and to the right. You might wanna get going since Classes will start again soon. Giant silver X on the door." I nodded and headed down the hall. Giant silver X...Giant silver X...Giant silver X...found it.

Pausing, I took a deep breath. This was just like a lawsuit, only less money was involved.

And my jury is a bunch of High School kids.


When the door opened, part of me wished the Professor was sick and I didn't have to do this.

"Hello? Professor?" Unfortunately, the mind reading mutant was there, sitting in his wheel chair.

"Hello Miss. Walters. And I'm sorry I didn't wake up sick this morning. However, if I did, Jean would be happy to take over for me." I chuckled nervously, knowing the Professor was trying to ease my nerves.

"I'm sure she'd be happy to help." I said. All I knew about Jean Gray was once she almost blew up all of New York. And something about a Phoenix force.

Bruce told me.

"For now, however, she will have to stay in the hospital wing, helping all students who injure themselves." Which might be a higher number than most people would like.

Walking to the front of the room, I took a deep breath.


"Let's see. I'm in a high school, about to lecture a bunch of stupid teens about how to fit in when in reality they probably don't give a crap. They probably just want to know about how I punch and smash things. Duh!! Of course I'm nervous!!" Professor Xavier raised an eyebrow, and I sighed.

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