Chapter Eleven: Bella's POV

Start from the beginning

The fact that when Hermione contacted Harry about the vampire stuff she said not to worry, that it wasn't a problem, makes me wonder if she really meant it- was Victoria not going to be a problem? I couldn't help my heart soaring at the thought- I had less then a term left of high school; I'd like to enjoy it, without the thought of a murderous vampire stalking me with the intention of torturing me to death.

Once we're inside, Hermione leads the way to the kitchen and pulls a packet of cookies out of the pantry, while Harry turns on the kettle. Harry and Fleur lean against the kitchen bench, and I stare at them all in wonderment of how easily the new arrivals have made themselves at home.

"Hey Bella, where are the tea bags?" Harry asks me, smiling. I jolt slightly and blush, realizing I was staring at them.

"Um, I'm not sure if we have any," I admit, sheepishly, as I hurry over to the cupboard, opening it up and searching for the elusive tea... stuff. "Charlie and I are kind of coffee drinkers." I explain.

"Hermione must fit right in then." Harry elbows Hermione, grinning, and she grins back. I can see the affection shining so brightly in her eyes- I knew Harry meant a lot to Hermione, but I never realized just how much! They seem like brother and sister, more then just best friends. Fleur keeps brushing her hands against Hermione, a reassurance of my sister's presence and wellbeing.

I manage to find a few stray tea bags near the back of the cupboard, and Harry swiftly makes two cups of tea, while Hermione pours two coffees, for us American-born, even if only one of us had been American-raised. We all sit down in front of the TV, and I'm glad the house is in a semi-clean state.

"So, Hermione... spill." Harry says, "why the vampire research? And why all the wards around the house, and on your sister?" He asks, nodding at me. Hermione sighs.

"It's a long story," she says, "but... in short, there's a vampire called Victoria currently after Bella, in revenge for Bella's vampire in-laws to-be killing her mate." A short silence follows her words, in which I turn tomato red, ducking my head slightly to hide behind my bangs, and two pairs of incredulous eyes, one green and one dark-blue, turn to me.

"Vampire in-laws to-be?" Harry asks, finally, incredulously.

"An animal-drinking vampire mated on Bella." Hermione explains.

"For a muggle, you sound like you 'ave a verrry eenteresting life." Fleur says, a smile playing on her lips. I'm not sure whether to be offended or not, so I just nod back at her, my lips tugging into a weak smile. Hermione snorts.

"That's an understatement- she's trapped in a love triangle with a vampire and a wolf-shifter." She tells them.

"Hermione!" I exclaim horrified and embarrassed.

"What?" She laughs, "a blind person could tell that Jacob is head over heels for you!"

"Ahh, teenage drama!" Fleur smiles, "oh 'ow I loved high school!"

"That makes one of us." Harry says, dryly.

"Yes, there were only at least two attempts on your life each year." Hermione laughs, "I have to say, Harry, you definitely made high school interesting."

"It was last year that really took the cake, though." Harry mutters, under his breath, but we all hear it. Hermione's face becomes a blank sheet, closed off, while Fleur's eyes glisten with what looks suspiciously like tears.

"It's over now." I speak up, not sure whether it's my place or not, but wanting to say something to soothe the troubled young adults surrounding me. Harry smiles at me, sadly.

"Yes. The War itself is over." He says, and we all hear what he doesn't add- that the damage is still done.

"How... how's Ron?" Hermione asks, hesitantly.

"He's struggling." Harry says, a hint of exhaustion plain on his face, "he's not taking your moving too well. He's still convinced that you both belong together."

"I do not get zat." Fleur says, with a toss of her head. I watch, enchanted, as her sheet of silver hair shines and shimmers with the movement. "You 'ave never showed any interest. You argued like cats and mice 'alf the time!"

"Cats and dogs, Fleur." Hermione corrects the French veela, with an amused smile, "we argued like cats and dogs." Fleur turns up her nose, haughtily.

"Eet eez a ridiculous saying, anyway." She sniffs. Hermione and Harry shake their heads, smiling at each other.

"Of course it is Fleur." Harry snickers. Fleur turns her dangerous glare onto him, and he gulps, shrinking back into his seat. "I mean... it totally is?" he says, and she nods, satisfied, turning away, a slightly evil smirk on her face. Hermione's mirth has turned to Harry, and he pouts at her, playfully.

They remind me of a family, those three. Fleur, Harry and Hermione have a thing going on, it reminds me of what I have with Edward, Alice and Emmett.


"So what are we doing about nutty vampire bird?" Harry asks. Hermione raises a dainty eyebrow.

"'We'?" she asks. Harry shoots her an incredulous look.

"Hermione- it's me." He says, slowly, as if talking to an idiot, "hero complex, remember?" Hermione groans, slumping back in the chair.

"You'll be the death of me." She says, with a sigh. "Okay, ground rules if you're staying- no using magic in front of the shifters, vampires, Charlie and obviously the muggles, no mentioning of the fact we're witches or wizards and no letting on that you know about vampires and shifters. Deal?"

"Deal." Harry announces, before checking the odd watch on his wrist, and standing up. "I'll make dinner while you do your homework." He grins, before meandering off to the kitchen.

"I 'ave to return to zee Weasleys, but I will be back soon." Fleur says, her tone regretful, before her face turns stern, "You stay safe, 'ermione!" she orders my sister.

"I promise." Hermione smiles, before sighing and standing up, walking over to them.

"You better head off before Bella's vampire comes over." She says, "I'll vanish your scent."

"I mizz 'ou already." Fleur sighs, wrapping her arms around my sister. Hermione snuggles into the part-Veela's embrace, a soft look on her face. When they step apart, Fleur turns to gave me. "Au revoir, Bella." She says, before walking over and hugging me too. I'm surprised for a second, then relax into the light embrace, deciding that witches and wizards seem very fond of physical affection. Fleur smells better then all the Cullens except Edward, an indescribable scent, like sunshine and snow.

"Bye Fleur." I tell her. Then I literally scream as Fleur pulls her wands out of her pocket, twists slightly on the spot and vanishes with a loud 'crack'. "HOLY CROW!" I shout, not expecting that in the least, and Harry appears in the doorway, wand drawn, a fierce look on his face.

"It's okay, we're fine, Bella just saw Fleur apparate." Hermione assures him, before gently grabbing my shoulders. "Relax Bella." She says, "deep breaths."

"She vanished... she just vanished!" I say, weakly, and Hermione gives me a wicked grin.

"How do you think I got here?" she asks me, "and how do you think we're getting to London on the weekend?"

"Oh no!" I moan, collapsing back down on the couch, as my legs are feeling a touch on the wobbly side. "Oh no!"

"Oh yes." Hermione laughs, and I bury my face in my hands.

Oh God.

A/N: Please forgive me for my dodgy attempt at writing a French accent!

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