Chapter Thirty-Nine: Last day of school

Start from the beginning

"Knowing Pete, he could make Tartarus happy with those sarcastic quips of his...or should I say thwips? Get it? Cause when he shoots webs it sounds like..." I groaned.

"Yes, I get it Percy." Percy chuckles before going serious again.

"Look, Peter died saving someone and dedicated his life to saving people. I will be very disappointed in my Uncle if Pete didn't end up in the Elysium."

"That's good right?"

"Pretty good, yeah." Nodding with satisfaction, I continued with the rest of my packing, only stopping when Sokka, Aang's friend and Katara's brother, walked in.

"Uh, Hey guys. I'm just here to get Aang's stuff." We nodded, pointing to the bunk above mine and the wardrobe on the wall. Aang and Peter shared one because Aang could use airbending to get up there and Peter could obviously wallcrawl.

"Why is it on the wall?"

"Long story. We (and by that I mean Percy) will help with the wardrobe." Percy groaned, climbing on his bed to reach the wardrobe.

"Careful mate; wouldn't want you falling and messing up your hair or something."

"Shut up Harry!!"

Lucy Pevenise
Class: Other (Queen)
Powers: None, has potion with the ability to heal people.
Dimension: 8
Status: Returning Next Year

"I still don't understand--."

"Lucy for the last time. Peter and I don't belong here anymore." I pouted. I understood why Peter was leaving; he was the oldest, and Narnia needed some rebuilding and leadership. Peter was good at that. But Susan didn't have to go.

"We all do Susan, that's the point of the school!!" I protested. Susan spun around, glaring at me.

"Everyone needs to grow up at some point Lucy. It's time to stop playing around alright? We all need to grow up." I sighed, trudging over sadly to my stuff.

"We're not playing." I mumbled. I didn't want to be left alone with just Edmund. Edmund doesn't like talking to me, or being seen with me.

"Come on Lucy, we have to go." Closing up my suitcase, I dragged it beside me, following behind Susan. I really didn't want to leave, even if we were just going back to Narnia. I also didn't want to return without half of my family....but at least Harley would be here!! I always liked hanging out with him.

Sighing, I followed Susan out of the dorms. The students were asked to gather in front of the remains of the school before they left, as I guess the Headmaster's had something to tell us or something.

"Excuse me, has anyone seen Lucy the Valiant? Small, pretty little queen? No? Wrong school then I guess." I giggled.

"Hi Sam!!" Sam Wilson smiled.

"Hey your highness. I just wanted say goodbye."

"You graduated?!" He nodded, bending down.

"Yeah, I don't have anything else to learn anymore. But don't worry, I'm sure someone else will help you out if you're late."

"No one that can fly." Sam sighed, before chuckling.

"Alright, hold on. How about I give you this--." Sam pulled out a small present "--and for trade you let me graduate." I took the present, a little unsure.

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