Mission Number One

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A mission, I have to complete all by myself... I park my car, just, outside one of the hang outs of The Hunters. I put the pistol into my pocket and get out of the car. I silently crouch to the front door.
Laughs are heard, I crouch and quickly run to the window, I take cover and spy on The Hunters. I move to try and unlock the door.

'SHOOT' A bullet just went past me.

Crap! They've seen me... I run back to the window and take cover. I take out my pistol and eliminate the enemies by each shot.

I kick the door open and go into the messy living room and check a bag- filled with empty packets. I leave the bag and go back into my car and drive back to my house.
Wait, I never introduced myself properly... I am (Y/N) and I work for the gang 'The Warriors'. We aren't necessarily bad people. We were actually chosen by The Government. Our rivals, 'The Hunters' are the actual bad people, they deal with illegal drugs and it's our job to stop them.

How did they become our rivals?
Long Story Short, the rivalry has always existed however, there was an agreement. We agreed that they would hand over the illegal drugs, yet they tricked us and handed us fake drugs. Since then, the rivalry between us increased.
At Home.

I go over to my office and call Kendall- The Warriors Hacker Guy.

Kendall: Hey, YN. How'd your mission go? Found any illegal items?

YN: If you mean empty, used packets found in a bag, then yes. I'm just glad I dodged the bullet.

Kendall: The Hunters are very dangerous, stupid but dangerous.

YN: We can be as 'dangerous' as them too, if it means for us to get the illegal goods and hand them over to the authorities. Anyway, I need you to do something for me.

Kendall: Sure, what?

YN: Can you hack into their system and find The Hunters other hang out places?

Kendall: Yeah sure, I'll text you the details once I locate them.

YN: Thanks, bye. (You end the call)

Urgh. Why can't these missions just be over? I go into the kitchen and make myself a coffee, when I get a call from James- Another member of The Warriors, known to be the muscle of the gang.

I put the phone on speaker while I'm stirring my coffee.

YN: What's Up?

James: Boss has told me to tell you to come in tomorrow, he needs to talk to you.

YN: Regarding what?

James: Something important. I don't know exactly.

YN: Kay, bye James.

James: Bye. (Ends the Call)

Boss probably wants me to do another mission. Like always.

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