Hinata Shouyou

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Idea By: insanedere

*LONG....but sweet :P*

Hinata felt very giddy today. Today would mark a month of receiving sunflowers from you every day. To be honest, Hinata had a crush on you and what he didn't know is that you liked him too, he thought you guys were just very good friends.

You started giving him a sunflower everyday after he pointed out that it was his favorite flower, you both happened to walk past a patch of them on your way home. He picked a couple and gave them to you, so you decided to do the same. Most guys wouldn't really like receiving flowers but both you and Hinata said, "Screw gender rules" if Hinata liked receiving flowers, you were happy to give them. You loved seeing the smile that spread across his face every time you gave him one.

You gave them to him after school so the day dragged on, he thought about confessing to you since it had been a month of the 'gift' giving. He decided that he would, finally, so he was nervous and excited.

The day had finally ended and he rushed to the gym, you normally gave it to him before volleyball practice but luckily today was Friday and you two could walk home together. He arrived at the gym, jumping around every where. You happened to be there and were chuckling at the orange haired boys excitement.

"(y/n)! We can walk home together today, i don't have practice!" He gave you a friendly hug,

"Cool! Lets go!" You say acting casual even though you were internally screaming because he hugged you, Hinata looked at you funny.

"What is it Hinata?"

"Do you have the stuff?" He asked, curious and acting like it was a drug deal. You smiled, bringing the flower out from behind your back. You felt your heart flutter as the smile spread across his face, he had a look in his eyes that reminded you of how a couple in love would look at each other. "I wish he looked at me like that.." You thought, but shook off the sadness.

"Thank you (y/n)!" He turned around and tugged your hand, leading you out of the school. You were blushing like crazy, he seemed to have forgot he grabbed your hand and he continued to hold it. He only released it once you reached the patch of sunflowers that started this whole thing. He turned to face you, a blush spreading across his whole face.

"(y/n). I have something to tell you." You gave a confused look, not fully sure what he wanted to say. "Ok Hinata, what is it?" He looked up at you,

"I like-" You heard the screeching of tires, someone yelling your name and then everything went black.


You woke up to bright white lights in a white room. Hospital? You questioned. You felt sore throughout your body, along with someone gripping your hand. You looked down to see an orange haired boy sleeping, lightly snoring and clutching your hand tightly. Cute, the word popped into your head but you didn't know why, Who is he?

You tried to take your hand out of his grip but the movement woke him. "(y/n)?!? You're awake!!" His eyes seemed to water a bit and he hugged you, you winced a bit and he let go apologizing repeatedly.

"I-its ok....excuse me for asking, but, who are you?" He looked very confused but before he could reply, a doctor walked in.

"Good, your awake Mrs. (l/n). Your parents stepped out for a little bit but should be back shortly. How are you feeling?" He asked. Inspecting your state.

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