Kageyama Tobio

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No Matter What

"Kageyama! Calm down! All I'm saying is you should take a break, your not acting normal!" Your voice echoed through the gym, you and your boyfriend were in the middle of a bitter fight. "What do you mean I'm not acting normal??! Why are you worrying so much??" He yelled backed, clearly annoyed.

This all started just because you thought he should take a little break from volleyball, he was starting to over work his body and return back to his 'king' way's. "I'M WORRYING BECAUSE YOUR MY BOYFRIEND!!! YOUR ACTING LIKE OIKAWA!!!" You finally snapped, he looked at you a little shocked but the look turned into a glare.

"Don't compare me to the shit head." He growled, his voice sent chills down you spine. "Kageyama, this you scares me...your over working your body and you turning back into the king of the court." You knew you shouldn't have called him that, "DONT CALL ME THAT!!" His voice filled with so much hatred that it scared you, tears primed in your shocked eyes, he yelled at you...

When he saw the fear in your eyes he felt guilty, "(f-" You ran out of the gym, tears running down your cheeks. You heard him calling your name, asking you to come back but you didn't listen. You kept running until you found an empty alley way, you leaned against the brick wall as more tears fell.

"Hey pretty lady~" A voice slurred, you snap your head and see a drunk man standing there, "W-What do you want?" You felt your heart picking up speed as he stepped closer, he pinned your hand above you, "I want you~" You smelt the alcohol in his breath, you tried to break from his grasp but he was surprisingly strong for being drunk.

"L-Let go of me!" New tears fell down your face, you were so terrified that you were trembling. "How about we have some fun~" He trailed kisses down your neck, you whimpered under the harsh touch, you squirmed more but it didn't work, "HEL-" Slap pain shot through your face, "Bitch don't scream or your regret it." You whimpered as your cheek throbbed.

He ripped off you shirt, kissing along your chest. He pulled off your skirt, "Someone help! Kageyama...help..." More tears fell as you knew what was going to happen, you felt him slowly pulling down your panties, you prepared your self for the pain but it never came. You heard a thud and roan, you opened your eyes and saw a furious Kageyama. One of his fist were clenched and the man was lying on the ground beside you, his nose bleeding.

"Don't you ever touch her again or I swear to god I. Will. Kill. You." Venom dripped from his voice, it even scared you. The guy ran off as soon as Kageyama glared at him, "(f/n), are you ok?" He knelt next you and embraced you. You broke down into sobs, he stroked your hair trying to comfort you. "It's ok (f/n), I'm here..." Your sobs got quieter until you were just silent.

"Thank you Kageyama..." You hugged him tightly, still trembling slightly, "I'm sorry about earlier (f/n), I'm so stupid." You heard the guilt in his voice, "It's ok." You cupped his face and saw that his eyes were glassed over, "I cant believe that, that guy touched you..." He glared in the direction the man ran to, "It's ok, your saved me before anything that happened and that's all that matters." You rest against his chest, taking in his scent. "I love you (f/n)..." "I love you too Tobio."

He would protect you no matter what~


Eh, the ending line was like one of my other ones (>人<;)

Thanks for Reading! <3

Remember to leave any requests in the comments! :3

*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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