Sugawara Koushi

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Perfect Mother

"Daddy! Daddy wake up!" The two toddlers shake their father, causing him to stir awake. "H-Huh? What is Aiko and Ren?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Shhh! Daddy don't talk so loud! Momma's sleeping!" Aiko puts a finger on her fathers mouth.

"It's mothers day remember? We have to make momma breakfast in bed!" Ren explains, the silver headed father finally remembered the plans he made with his two kids the day before. "Ok, lets go make breakfast for mommy, but quietly! We don't want to wake her." He flashed his kids a smile, earning two back.

They quickly headed down stairs as quietly as they could, not wanting to disturb you. Luckily, the kids didn't make a giant mess but it would still take time to clean, Sugawara sighed as they finally finished making breakfast. He put all the food on a tray and told Aiko to hold it, her being the more responsible one. She had her fathers looks while he had your personality, Ren was the complete opposite, with your looks and his fathers personality.

"Ok, Aiko carry the tray CAREFULLY and Ren you wake mommy up PEACEFULLY." He wanted to make sure they didn't do anything to clumsy. They nodded and started going upstairs, Sugawara following.

Once they entered your room, all hell broke loose. Ren couldn't hold his excitement and ran towards you, but he accentually bumped into Aiko, causing her let go of the tray. The tray landed on you, waking you up with orange juice spilling on you everywhere.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE?!?!?" You yell and glare causing Sugawara and your children to get chills down their spines. "I'M SORRY MOMMA!!!" You kids break out in sobs, you sigh. "It's ok Aiko and Ren, I'm sorry for yelling." You give them a smile and they stop crying. You get out of bed and hug both of them, you look at Sugawara and he kept apologizing. You chuckle, "It's ok Koushi~" You give him a kiss, causing orange juice to get all over him, "(f/n)-chan! Seriously?!?!" He puffs his cheeks, causing you and your children to laugh.

"Aiko, Ren, you want to know how daddy will make up for this?" You give your dear husband a menacing smile. "How momma?" Ren asks, giving you a curious yet amused look. "He is going to take care of you two and do all the chores today while mommy relaxes!"

"EH?!?" Suagwara yells, "Well, Koushi it was your idea to make me breakfast so it was your fault the orange juice spilled on me, disturbing me beauty rest (//slapped) so, in turn, you shall take care of EVERYTHING today~" Sigh


The whole Sugawara did as you said, take care of EVERYTHING. All you did was lay in bed and eat, "Well, he deserved it~" You chuckled to yourself, he put the kids to bed and flopped onto your bed, "Ugh, how can you do that all day (f/n)-chan?" He asked, hugging your waist, his head in the crook of your neck. "Hey, you actually did pretty well! Better then me in fact!" You admitted, "Huh really??!" He looked at you shocked but his eyes held triumph.

"Yes, I knew you would be a great mother!~"


Thanks for Reading! <3

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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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