Lev Haiba

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His Goals

You are (f/n) Kuroo, thats right, Kuroo's sister. You were two year's younger then him so you were a first year. You liked to go to your brother's volleyball practices, you went because you were very interested in the new first year, Lev Haiba. He was very energetic and honestly, a little stupid. You didn't understand why Kenma couldn't toss to him, you tried to toss to him and it was like every single time he tried he would change something. You were able to toss because you were the setter on he girls team. Over time you and Lev became pretty good friends and you developed a crush on the tall male.

"(f/n)-chan! Toss to me!" Lev yelled once you walked in the gym, after a while of practicing you were able to correctly toss to Lev but yet, Kenma still couldn't. "Fine Lev just quit yelling." You say slightly glaring at him. "Yeah, yeah whatever just hurry up!" He whined, you went to the court and tossed the ball and he spiked it perfectly, the team stared in awe, "How did you do that!?!?" They yelled, "Oh right I never told or showed them that I could toss to Lev." You remembered, "I practiced a lot with him and it just happened." You stated blankly. "(f/n) can you teach Kenma how to do that?" Your brother asked, "OK" You replied with a smile.

You spent most of the practice time with Kenma, teaching him of to toss to Lev. But, the said male was starting to get jealous, he was grumbling to himself and the team looked at him like he was crazy, "Lev, are you ok?" Yaku asked sweat dropping. "Yeah I'm perfectly fine." He said in a bored tone, "Alright! Kenma, toss to Lev and see if (f/n)'s teaching was a success." The coach said.

Kenma tossed to Lev and he actually spiked it, "Wow (f/n)! Your amazing!" The team said, causing you to blush. "The ace...has awoken!" Lev said, sadly, Kenma tossed to him again and it didn't work.

After a couple of more tries Kenma was able to successfully toss to Lev every time. "Alright! Good job Kenma!" Lev yelled, "Now I can cross that goal off of my list! One down, one more to go!" Lev said happily. The team and you stared at him curiously, "What's the other one Lev?" You asked,

"Making (f/n)-chan fall in love with me~" He said, not fazed at all, the gym went silent and you were a thousand shades of red. After you regained yourself you said, "W-well y-you a-already d-did...b-baka!"

"EEEHHH?!?!" Kuroo screamed, "Really (f/n)-chan?!?!" Lev asked, you nodded. "Yeah (f/n)-chan is my girlfriend!" Lev cooed, you blushed again, Kuroo appeared behind Lev with a menacing aura around him. Lev backed away in fear, "Lev, if you hurt my sister I swear I will kill you understand?" Lev nodded quickly. "Stop scaring him Kuroo." You said walking over to Lev and interlocking your hand into his. Kuroo sighed and walked away from you two, "I love you (f/n)-chan~" You blushed hearing those words, "I-I l-love y-you t-too."

He crossed another goal off of his list.


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*Personal Instagram: Marilyn2627*


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