Chapter 33

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Miranda's pov

I was holding Sierra as she cried. Jason had to be put on a ventilator and he's not waking up. I'm so scared. "Wake up daddy!" Anna gasps, shaking his arm. Of course he doesn't respond which only makes her cry even more. Poor kid. Alan takes the kids home for us. I sat in the waiting room, my head in my hands. Jason's one of the closest friends I've ever had. He can't die. I don't think I could handle it. I know Sierra couldn't! I rub my stomach. "Come on Jason, my baby needs his or her uncle." I whisper, shakily. Luke walks out and hugs me. "He can't die." I whimper, shakily. "Jason's tough. I know he'll beat this." He says. "Ma'am how far along are you?" "Uh 7 months I think." "Ya wanna do an ultrasound?" I glare at the floor. "I want my brother in law to wake up!" I gasp, fighting back more tears.

Sierra's pov

I rubbed his hand gently. "Oh Jason please be okay. I'm so scared." I whisper. "I need you." I rest my hand on my side where my kindey transplant scar is. "You can't leave me not after all we've been through." I break down and cry.

*a few days later*

Jason's pov

I snap awake, trying to catch my breath and failing. I look around confused. "W-What? W-Where am I?" I mumble leaning back down exhausted. I move the oxygen mask from over my mouth and a nurse walks in. "Oh you're awake!" She gasps surprised. I shakily nod trying to talk but not being able to get a word out. "My chest." I groan. "It's gonna hurt for a while. Until you get a working lung." She says making me put the oxygen mask back on. I close my eyes, feeling like crap. She does something to the IV in my arm. "W-What...... Is going on?" I force myself to say. She bites her lip. "You collapsed. Been unconscious for a few days." "M-My wife.... And sister in law.... Where-" "Cafeteria." The woman says. She heads to the door I presume to get them. I wish I wasn't in the hospital. Ten minutes later, Sierra runs into the room crying. "Baby!" I gasp gladly wrapping my arms around her. "Oh Jason, I was so worried. I thought I'd never see you awake again." "I'm gonna be okay baby." I whisper, resting my forehead against hers. "God girl it's so good to see your face." I whisper. "Hey Jason you're gonna be the uncle to a beautiful little girl." Miranda says teary eyed too. My eyes go wide. "You're havin' a girl?" She nods and wipes her eyes. "I'm so glad hun." Tears rain down Sierra's cheeks. I hug her again.

Miranda's pov


I go to Luke's and shakily knock on the door. A little boy opens it. "Mom!" He calls. A blonde woman appears. "Oh it's you." I roll my eyes. "Luke!" She calls. He walks out seconds later and my hatred toward him fights to the surface but I force it down. "Good evening Luke. Here are the ultrasounds from the other day. Jason's awake by the way." He smiles when he sees it'll be a girl. "Miranda I wish I could make it up to you. I feel horrible." He says, the smile fading. "Did you ever love me Luke? Or was it all lies?" He sighs. "I did but then.... I met Caroline..... And I just fell in love with her. I'm sorry." "It's okay. I'm happy with Alan too." His eyes go wide. "We both found someone who makes us happy. No hard feelings." I lie as tears soak my face. "Goodbye Luke." I whisper, turning and walking away.

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