29 Levi

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As everyone speeds through the gate, two titans immediately start lumbering toward us. Three Scouts leap upward to engage them, but I know them and odds are at least one of them is going to die. I fly past them and kill both titans before I can blink. Then I land back on my horse.

"Trying to steal all the glory, Ackerman?" one of them calls after me. I don't respond.

I end up killing three more titans before we leave the buildings and start to spread out into formation. The sun is close to setting, and everyone has enough firework signals to hopefully last the whole expedition. Guiin's squad is positioned on the opposite side of the formation as mine, so I don't see how she's doing. I have no doubt she'll be fine. Her skill is more than enough to keep her alive.

The formation dances around with the signals until we finally reach the forest.

Again, this one is super short. I'm sorry. But it's in the same day again... unless you're in a different time zone... in which case you'll get the next part on the same day as this one.

Complications and technicalities. Anyhow, there are two parts left in this chapter and I hope you will like them. Tell me what you think will happen on this expedition. Who will die? Who will live? (xXCrystalRainXx no spoilers.)

This part is dedicated to DeathsDragon for your comments and support. Thank you. :D

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