19 Ecyn

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I just blink at him.

Maybe I look like an idiot or maybe I look like a weird princess. Either way, all I can do is stare at my commander while he has this weird little smile that tells me he's pleased with himself.

And maybe it takes me a few minutes to process his words.

Promoted. Pro-mo-ted. When someone is advanced to a higher rank.

Captain. Cap-tain. A rank in the military that humanity's strongest soldier currently holds. Captain Levi is a captain.

Me. Ecynya Guiin. The shortest Scout in the history of the world. Heartbroken, bullied by Captain Levi. Kind of.

Me. Promote. Captain.

I don't think it's been very long before my mind snaps back to the present and my mouth snaps closed. I think my tongue still needs to learn to talk, however, because the only word I can get out is, "Why?"

"Your skills are some of the best I've seen ever. You'd make a good leader. You were recommended by some of my trusted friends." He seems amused by my expression. "You'll still be in Levi's squad, just more of a... kind of apprentice to him until you get your own squad."

Still in Captain Levi's squad? Or is it just Levi? Or Ackerman? What do I call him now? Do I say "sir"?

"I can tell you're very surprised at this news. Come to my office when you're ready to fill out all the paperwork. It's almost as if you're applying for the military again." He rolls his eyes and turns away. I follow him silently as he calls for all the Scouts to head back to headquarters and tells them that they did a good job. I stay away from everyone and think about what I have just been told.

I'm getting promoted.

But why not anyone else? Why not Arlert? Or Hanji? Or someone?

How can I be an equal with Captain Levi? Ackerman? Levi? Sir?

And then I get a smile on my face. No one else has been promoted. Not the men and women who have been in the military for years. Me. A cadet fresh out of training.

The thought makes me so giddy I go directly to the commander's office. He hands me a stack of papers, which I take to a chair in the corner. I sign my name too many times, list every commander I've served under, write how long I've been in the military, say where I live, write my parents' names, and do countless other things that take me at least thirty minutes to complete. I also need the signatures of Commander Erwin, who already signed, and the leader of the squad I am currently in.

"You can take those to Levi. He's probably in his office." I look up to Commander Erwin and finish signing my name for the last time.

"Alright." I stand up and walk out. I walk to Captain Levi's office. Ackerman. What am I supposed to call him?

I knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Guiin, s-" I hesitate on using the word "sir" but he doesn't seem to care.

"Come in."

I open the door. He's facing me already. I take a breath, still somehow intimidated by him. "I need you to sign this in some places, s...ir." I hold the stack of papers out to him.

He takes them and turns to his desk. "You don't have to call me "sir.""

"What am I supposed to call you?" I ask, grateful that he brought it up and not me.

He seems to know where to sign, turning to all the right pages. "Ackerman," he responds without looking at me.

At least I know for sure now. He finishes the last signature and hands the papers back to me. There's nothing left to say, so I leave. 

It has taken me so long to write this chapter. I could just die. This was one of the hardest chapters in my life to write. And it's super short! What's up with that? (I wrote this 200 word rant and actually contemplated publishing it but you're not here to read about me.)

Thanks for reading. Thanks for waiting.

Shorter Than MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang